1920 1929
A timeline of news, stories and pictures from 1920 1929.
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Tuesday 23 November 1920
The Headington Orthopædic Theatre has gained great popularity since its erection and a large audience was present on Tuesday weak to welcome the Brisque Concert Party in a series of songs, duets, sketches and a drama. The money obtained is to be given to the National Institute for the Blind. and it was announced by Mr. Percival Hedges., the general manager, that a substantial sum would be handed over. The Headington Silver Band played selections during the intervals...
Oxfordshire Weekly News - Wednesday 1 December 1920
Social Evening
Saturday 29 January 1921
An enjoyable function took place on Saturday evening when the members of the Headington Silver Band and their friends met for a social evening in the Britannia Club Room at Headington. The entertainment was not only a vocal and instrumental success, but was also successful in the provision made for the refreshment interval. The refreshments were provided largely upon the individual contribution plan, and were prepared beforehand in the club room by the willing and able hands of several ladles closely connected with the members of the band, and were served by members of the band themselves. The vocal performers were Mrs. Clifton and Miss Elsie Bowen, and Messrs. Clifton (secretary), Baker, Hodges, and Miles; and the instrumentalists were Messrs. Miller (bandmaster), J. Grimsley, Cousins, Hawley, Timms and Boy Woodcock. An interesting interlude was the presentation to Mr. A. Coppock, a member of the band, and his wife, of a handsome set of carvers and a cruet mark their recent marriage. Much information was gathered during the evening of the successful past of this useful band, and of its promise for the future. The outstanding feature of its past was the wiping out during the war by the few members left at home under the leadership and management of Bandmaster Bowen and Secretary Glanville of a deficit of £100; while its promise for the future could be gathered from the fact that eight boy learners were among the guests, one of whom, Boy Woodcock, successfully assisted Bandmaster Miller in a cornet duet. This system of training lads as future playing members is a feature of the band. An instance of the band's usefulness may be found in the very satisfactory balance sheet of the Headington Horticultural Society. whieh shows that hand colleetions for that society amounted to £4 10s A suggestion made during the evening that a band summer outing be arranged was heartily applauded. The duties of chairman were carried out by Mr. F. B. Brown, one of the band trustees.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette, 4 FEBRUARY 1921
Social Evening
Saturday 26 March 1921
An enjoyable gathering of the Headington Silver Band and their friends took place in the Britannia Club Room on Saturday evening. The excellent musical programme was chiefly instrumental. The ballads of Secretary Clifton and comic songs of Messrs. Miles and Hodges were delightfully rounded off by humorous selections from Mr. P. E. Hedges, of the "Brisque" Concert Party. The pianoforte solos of Master W. Morris, a clarionet solo by Mr. W. Cousins, and cornet solos by Boy Woodcock were well received, and a march by the band's eight learners was exceedingly well rendered and heartily applauded. A further illustration of the good progress being made by this section of the band under the able tuition of Bandmaster Miller was given by the performance by four of the learners of an instrumental piece. The learners showed their appreciation of the efforts of their instructor by presenting him with a cigarette case, and Mr. Secretary Clifton's equally valuable services were also rewarded during the evening by the presentation of a Swan fountain pen, a gift from the Band Fund. Refreshments were provided for Mr. J. Grimsley and a willing band of lady helpers. The duty of chairman was carried out by Mr. Clifton. The satisfactory financial condition of the band is shown by the fact that out of their last year's total of over £176, they are able to carry forward £35 16s. as balance in hand for their season of 1921.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette, 1 APRIL 1921
Whit Monday Sports
Monday 16 May 1921
The Oxford University Press Athletic Club
The 30th Annual Athletic Sports (affiliated to the A.A.A. and N.C.U.) will be held on Whit Monday, May 16th 1921 on the University running ground, Iffley Road, Oxford
... The Headington Silver Band will play during the sports
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 29 April 1921
Friday 10 June 1921
... The Morris Motors Athletic Club's pavilion at their sports ground, on the Barracks Road, was comfortably filled on Friday night, when a dinner and concert were held to celebrate the winning of the Oxfordshire Senior Cup and League Competition. After dinner the Headington Silver Band, under Bandmaster W. Miller, entertained the company for a time outside the pavilion, and later a smoking concert was held, during which opportunity was taken for presenting medals and other souvenirs.
... There was a musical programme of considerable variety. Mr. Gibbens amused the company with an original football song, incorporating the names of the team which beat the Banbury Harriers, and Mr. Rowse gave other popular items. Messrs. Beasley, Eyles, Jones and Alcock contributed songs, and Messrs. Miller and Woodcock of the Headington Band, played a cornet duet. Mr. Allright figured as a coach-horn specialist, and Mr. Evans gave a conjuring performance.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 17 June 1921
Saturday 9 July 1921
RIVER TRIP TO BENSON. The staff of the Morris Motors, Ltd., had their annual outing on Saturday, when a very enjoyable day was spent on the river. ... On the way, as the steamer approached Abingdon amusement was found in throwing coins to the children on the bank of the towing path. In some cases the youngsters, who were more anxious for the coins than their own safety, slipped off the bank into the river, but fortunately, in this respect, the shallowness of the water reduced danger to a minimum, and the immersion was treated with indifference. The journey was broken at Day's Lock, where an excellent luncheon was provided. An original note was struck by the sounding of "the cook-house" by of the members of the Headington Silver Band. The musicians accompanied the party, and gave selections on the steamer, and also during lunch. ...
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 15 July 1921
Thursday 14 July 1921
The South Oxfordshire Habitation of the Primrose League held a garden fete yesterday afternoon, at Rycote Park, near Tiddington. Tennis tournaments and a pastoral play were among the numerous attractions. The Headington Silver Band played during the afternoon. At a mass meeting in the evening, Sir Henry Smith and Capt. Terrell were the chief speakers. Col. A. St. G. Hamersley occupied the chair.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 15 July 1921
Oxford Swelters in the heat
Wednesday 20 July 1921
Alfresco Practice!
The Headington band holds its weekly practice. Coats off is the order.
Headington Flower Show
Monday 1 August 1921
The Headington Silver Band attended and, as well as playing selections in the afternoon, supplied the music for musical chairs.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 5 August 1921
Saturday 17 September 1921
A GROWING MOVEMENT. - The Women’s Institute movement is a growing force Oxfordshire and already there are considerably over fifty branches... The annual demonstration, in which 54 institutes were represented, took place at Oxford on Saturday. A procession was marshalled at St. Giles by Commander Kettlewell. It consisted of five hundred members and the feature the procession was the decorative group of handicrafts and the fine display of banners. ... In the procession were representations of gardeners, smockers, music and drama, housewives, embroiderers. toy makers, horticulture, milk carriers, glove makers, basket makers, harvesters, cherry pickers, rabbit fur makers, paper makers, goose drivers, mat makers and various other industries ami activities. at the centre was the Headington Silver Band and the Oxfordshire Folk Dancers brought up the rear. The route of the procession was from St. Giles, through Corn Market, down High Street and by St. Catherine Street to New College Gardens. Here a fair and sale of industries was opened by the Countess of Jersey in the presence of about a thousand spectator. ...
Banbury Guardian - Thursday 22 September 1921
Contesting begins
The Band first started contesting in 1922 when it took part in the Fairford contest on 15th July. This was all the idea of Charles Clifton, who was the Secretary, and who believed that the contesting was the only way to improve the Band. He also said that we should do it properly with a professional conductor, so he brought in a Mr T. J Wornall from London who had many years of experience under the great Tom Morgan who had been one of the leading lights in the Brass Band world of contesting for many years. We most certainly felt the impact that Tommy Wornall had upon us. He was more like a fatherly figure and seemed capable of coaxing almost anything out of us.JA
Clarendon Press Sports
Monday 5 June 1922
The 31st annual athletic sports of the Clarendon Press Athletic Club will be held on Whit-Monday on the University running ground, Iffley Road.
... The Headington Silver Band will play during the sports, and a dance will be held on the ground. ...
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 2 June 1922
Saturday 17 June 1922
17.— Headington Silver Band, Musical Concert, St. Giles', 7.15-9 p.m. Collection, New Uniform Fund.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 16 June 1922
Fairford contest
Saturday 15 July 1922
We were 3rd in the march contest and 4th in the test piece out of about 10 or 12 Bands which were all of good quality and most of them with many years of contesting experience. We had no soprano player at that time so Mr Wornall played the soprano as well as conducting. Mr Miller, our Bandmaster, played solo cornet. I played repiano cornet that day and my brother played 2nd horn. That was our baptism in contesting and I think we were all well pleased with the result. We played 'Fraternity' by John Moorhouse in the march contest and the test piece was 'Classic Gems No. 1 '. I remember as we were going home that night, someone said 'Never mind, we will win it next year', and we did! But that is another story.JA
Monday 17 July 1922
The Headington Silver Band had been called over the coals for playing on the recreation ground without permission, which is contrary to a byelaw.—The Clerk remarked that a boy might not play a tin whistle there without permission, and the Chairman said that, though he had nothing against the Band, the Council had better keep to the rule.—A letter of apology was received, and the Band were forgiven.
Oxfordshire Weekly News - Wednesday 25 October 1922
Kirtlington Park Contest
Saturday 22 July 1922
Later that year we played at our second contest. This was at Kirtlington Park and organised by Bletchington Band. The test piece was from the opera 'The Lily of Killarney', and much more difficult than 'Classic Gems'. Again Tommy Wornall conducted and played soprano. Only two Bands entered this contest, ourselves and a Band called 'Chawley Brick Works' . I have no idea where they came from. They were a Band of about 12-14 strong but were all old timers of vast experience and I remember hearing one say to another "'Us'll win this easily, they be all boys".
Each Band had to play a march going into the Park and as we started off I also remember another of them saying, "They might only be boys but they can't half play, can't em". We again played 'Fraternity' for the march contest. This was on the stand, not the march into the Park, and were awarded 1st prize. We also won 1st prize for the test piece and that was how the word 'prize' was added to the title of the Band.JA
Headington Silver Prize Band
The band is renamed the Headington Silver Prize Band
Monday 7 August 1922
The band played at the 38th annual show held at in the Manor House grounds
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 11 August 1922
Wednesday 25 October 1922
HEADINGTON SILVER BAND. - LADS between 16 and 19 Wanted; experience not necessary; willing workers only required.—Apply, by letter only, not later than October 26, to Bandmaster, 39, Lime Walk, Headington
Oxfordshire Weekly News - Wednesday 25 October 1922
April 1923
The Headington Silver Band send me their balance sheet for 1922. It is very good reading indeed. The income for the year was £305 5s. 6d; expenditure £302 0s. 6d, leaving a balance in hand of £3 5s. Mr. Clifton, their secretary, who hails from Lancashire, is a very keen businessman and he has built his band on a very firm foundation. When he first took on the band he found them with worn-out instruments. He soon set to work and procured for them a full set of first class instrumets from Higham, Manchester; then a splendid new uniform and new music. He found them professional tuition and then put them on the contest platform, and he will not rest until he sees them the champion band of Oxfordshire-a village band that intends to "Spread the light". The first platform they ever mounted to play a selection was the contest platform at Fairford Contest last year where they came fourth, seven bands competing. Mr. Miller their conductor also is deserving of a word of praise, for he has worked with a will to bring the band to the front, worked every evening (when not with the full band) with the learners and has several likely lads to take the place of members who resign. So things look very rosy at Headington. They are hard at work for Swindon Contest on April 28th.
Swindon Contest
Saturday 28 April 1923
The band competed at Swindon (this was in a hall), and won 2nd [sic, 3rd?] prize in the second section, the test piece was 'Border Songs and Ballads'.JA
Sunday's Concert
Sunday 13 May 1923
The Headington Silver Prize Band gave a further concert at the Picture Palace, Cowley Road, on Sunday before an appreciative audience.
The band opened with the March "Cottonopolis" (C. Anderson), which merited the applause received. Miss Gertrude Ludlow, in her usual pleasing manner, sang "The Swallows" (Cowan) and "I Wonder if Love is a Dream" (Ed. Teichermacher), and well merited the applause given, as also did the encores, "It is Only a Tiny Garden" (Lilian Granville) and "Solveig's Songs" (Greig). Miss Jacobs presented Miss Ludlow with a splendid bouquet of red roses and white sweet peas on behalf of the band. Mr. H. Rudkin's Quartette Party rendered "By Celia's Arbor" (Horsley), "Haste, Ye Soft Gales" (Martin) and "The Land o' the Leal" (Button), all of which were splendidly rendered and very well received. Mr. J. Wornell, London), the band trainer, conducted the band when they played the Swindon Contest Piece, "Border Songs and Ballads" (Lt J. Ord Hume), with which the band secured third prize, and the Witney Contest Piece, "Classic Gems, No.1" (Rimmer). The band also played under the conductorship of Mr. W. Millar: Overture "Veronica" (Greenwood); hymn, "Lead Kindly Light" (Landon); march, "Le Retour" (R.S. Thornton). Mr L Norwood played a cornet solo "Garden of Happiness" (D. Wood). To assist the finances of the band the whole of the artistes kindly gave their services, and Mr. Brayne, the Picture Palace proprietor, assisted by lending the hall, and Mr. W. Jacobs, Barton, Headington, gave the bouquet. This will be the last concert at the palace until next autumn, and the band desire to thank all who have assisted by their patronage.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette, 18 MAY 1923
June 1923
Headington secured second prize in the march, third prize in the selection and silver medal for best trombone at Swindon Contest. Well done boys! This is a splendid start to the contesting season. I hear you are in for Witney Contest on June 16th. You will have a stiff fight there, so work hard and try and keep one of the prizes at least in Oxfordshire. Have finished their winter concerts which have been a great success, and are now working up their outdoor programmes.
Thursday 21 June 1923
The Highfield All Saints' fete took place on Thursday last in the picturesque grounds and by kind permission of Mr. N. W. Harrison. In spite of the inclement weather, there was a good attendance. The gardens were full of surprises, and there were many attractions. ... The Headington Silver Band was in attendance during the evening.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 29 June 1923
July 1923
Headington Silver are engaged for the Peace Day Fete on July 28th or would have entered Aldbourne Contest They gave a very fine performance at Witney and quite satisfied their friends with the progress they are making. They are hard at work for Fairford Contest putting in four nights practice each week. That's the way lads. I hope to hear you have gone one better than at Witney. To be only nine points behind Kingswood shows that you are made of the right stuff. You know what Mr. Harold Coates told you : Practice, practice, practice. I hear you have taken his good advice to heart, and practice is now the order of the day at Headington.
Fairford Contest
Saturday 14 July 1923
We were 3rd in the march, as in the previous year, but winning on the test piece 'La Traviata'. Also we won the medal for best solo cornet. This was won by Lewis Norwood who had joined us earlier from Wolverton. He went on to win many more medals before he moved on to form Morris Motors Band at the end of 1924.JA
There was some little excitement before the contest as three of the bands competing had already met at Witney Contest a month before, and the judge there (Mr. Harold Coates, of Ealing) said they had run each other very close. So we were certainly expecting these bands to make a bold fight for the cup, and we were not disappointed. The fight was very keen. I tried to place the prize bands, but gave it up as a bad job and waited to hear the judge's award. The judge, Mr. Tom Eastwood (of Golden "Linfit" fame), very quickly announced h1s award. First Prize and Silver Cup also Silver Medal for solo cornet to Headington Silver Prize Band Oxford (J. Wornell)
Headington Silver recieved a splendid reception when they returned with the cup to Oxford, and Headington. Their rapid rise from an ordinary village band to a cup winnning band at an opeen contest will stand out as a brass band record. It was the anniversary of the first contest Fairford in 1922. Then they came third in the march and fourth in the selection ; 1923, the cup. They are very keen at practise, and pay every attention to their trainers. They have had professional tuition from Mr. T. J Wornell, late solo cornet of The Royal Horse Guards (The Blues), also from Mr. J. Wornell, a well-known London bandmaster so they certainly have been well trained. I shall be looking for still higher honours at future contests from this band.
Wolverton Prize, conducted by Mr. Brooks, played at the Manor House Grounds, Headington, on Sunday, July 15th, and again a large crowd was there to enjoy their beautiful playing. A splendid toned band, and quite a musical treat to listen to them. Several more concerts are being arranged by the Headington band secretary, Mr. Chas. Clifton, and I hope all local bandsmen will go and hear these splendid bands, and help the Headington lads to "Spread the Light" in the Oxford district. Headington Silver are booked for the Manor House Grounds on the 21st, and the people will be able to show their appreciation by giving them a right royal welcome. The cup won at Fairford Contest will be on view.
July 1923
The Headington Silver Prize Band (writes a correspondent) is out to be the finest band in the whole of England, not excepting such bands as St. Hilda Colliery, Black Dyke, Horwich R.M.I.,etc., winners of the 1,000 guinea trophy at the Crystal Palace International Band Contests. Their able conductor, Mr. Miller, and untiring secretary, Mr. C. E. Clifton, are going "all out" to attain their position on top. Last Saturday - the band journeyed to Fairford, where they played against six of the best brass bands in the South, and gained the victory, beating old contesting bands like Reading Temperance and Kingswood Evangel (Bristol). The test piece was "La Traviata," and a real test it was, too. Great praise is due to the band and to its able conductor in securing 1st prize and entitling them to hold the "British Bandsman" Cup (presented by the well-known publishing firm of R. Smith and Co.) The second of the series of Sunday Concerts organised by the band took place in the Manor House grounds on Sunday last, when, one of the leading bands in the London area Wolverton Town Silver Band (Conductor , Mr. A. F. Brooks), was engaged. This band was a winner of prizes at Crystal Palace in 1920 and 1922, Hanwell (misprinted Harwell on programmes) in 1921, Swindon in 1922 and 1923, and 1st prize at Yiewsley a fortnight ago, when "Lohengrin" (played at the evening concert) was the test piece. The afternoon programme was as follows : —Exhibition march, "The Cossack"; overture, "Light Cavalry"; Intermezzo, "Waving Corn"; cornet duet, "Ida and Dot" (by Messrs. J. Webster and S. Redford), encored ; selection, "La Traviata," which was closely followed by supporters of Headington Band ; Cavotte, "Bells of Ouseley," with bell effects; and march, "The Mad Major." The evening programme consisted of: Festival march, "Silver Trumpets"; overture, "Raymond"; euphonium solo, "Sensucht" (Mr. F. Bates); two little dances (a) Minuet, (b) La Gavotte (Finch)•, cornet solo, "Cleopatra" (by Mr. J. Webster), encored by "Ida and Dot" cornet duet (by Messrs. Webster and Redford); selection, "Lohengrin"; trombone solo, "The Trumpeter" (by Mr. T. Godfrey); Morceau, "Jamies Patrol"; and fantasia, "A Sunday Evening Service," a realistic representation of a church service, complete with bells, organ, and choir. The afternoon concert was sparsely attended, and receipts were low, but the attendance in the evening constituted a record for the district. The "British Bandsman" Cup, won by Headington Band the previous day at Fairford. was on show in a prominent place in front of the bandstand, and was examined and admired by nearly everyone present. The next concert will take place on Sunday, July 22nd, when the Headington Silver Prize Band will take the stand. The G.W. Railway (Swindon) Prize Band and Fairford Prize Band have been engaged for concerts in August.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 20 July 1923
Frank Brooks made bandmaster
August 1923
In August 1923 Mr Frank Brooks from Wolverton took over as professional conductor.
Headington Horticultural Show
Monday 6 August 1923
"Headington Silver Band played at intervals" at the 39th annual flower show of the Headington Horticultural Society
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 10 August 1923
Manor House, Headington
Tuesday 21 August 1923
The band photographed outside the Manor House in Headington, with the silver cup won at Fairford Contest.
The photograph was probably taken on the occasion of their performance in the grounds of the Manor House on 21 August 1923.
ODBBA Contest
Saturday 25 August 1923
The Band competed at the first Association contest at Worcester College Sports Ground, Oxford (test piece 'Dawn of Spring') gaining 1st prize and also 1st prize for march, again playing 'Fraternity'.JAThe Oxford and District Brass Band Association Challenge Shield, given by Mr. Frank Gray M.P., and won by the Headington Silver Prize Band.
Headington Silver Prize Band
Sunday 26 August 1923
The band are photographed outside the Manor House, Headington with the Frank Gray Shield awarded by the Oxford and District Brass Band Association. Patron Alfred Hamersley at centre with Frank Gray MP behind him.
September 1923
Headington Silver Band, the local champions, are still going strong. During the past month they have been extremely busy. On September 30th they played to a packed house in Oxford Town Hall, at the first of their Sunday evening concerts, and the "Frank Gray" Shield won at Oxford and the Cup won at Fairford Contest were on view. The number of 3d pieces taken at this concert totalled no less than 850. Someone likes cheap concerts! On October 6th the band held a Smoking Concert to celebrate their successes during the past season. Since they started contesting in July, 1922, they have won 5 firsts, 2 second and 2 third prizes, in addition to the trophies above mentioned.
The Cup was duly christened duning the evening w1th three bottles of champagne ("Trotter" should have been present!). Mr. A. F. Brooks is the professional conductor of the band, Mr. W. Miller, bandmaster; and Mr. C. E. Clifton, secretary: On October 7th this band gave a very enjoyable programme of music at the Oxford Prison ("Eupho" was not in the audience), and they have promised to pay another Visit at an early date.
On Sunday, 14th October, a concert was held in the Cowley Road Picture Hall, Oxford, the band again providing a very pleasing selection of music to a house crowded to its utmost capacity. The Headington Band is the most go ahead combination in the district, and w11l be going "all out" next season. So watch your laurels, ye bands of North! - EUPHO
Sunday 14 October 1923
The Headington Silver Band gave a concert at The Palace on Sunday evening, under: the conductorship of Mr. W. Miller. The band played numerous items of music including Sullivan's "lolanthe," and such other excellent pieces as "Invicta." "La Coquette," "Puritani," and "Romulus." The artistes were Miss Gertrude Ludlow, who sang "Nightingale of June" and "Pipes of Pan," and two well-known songs as encores; and Mr. Leonard Moon, who contributed a number of monologues, including Mr. Kipling's -"Devil me Care." The concert was much appreciated by an overflowing house.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 19 October 1923
Oxford and District News
February 1924
A first-class concert was given by the Headington Silver Prize Band, in Oxford Town Hall, on Sunday, January 13th. The Band was on its best form, and played all the items in fine style. Although the hall was filled to its utmost capacity, it is disappointing to hear that the receipts hardly paid expenses. 800 3d pieces were in the collection! It is as well that no smaller silver coins are in circulation, or concerts in these parts would be run at a dead loss every time. I must complement Mr. L. Norwood, Headington's brilliant solo cornet on his playing, which was of a very high standard. You will need to watch this man, Mr. Clifton, or some of our champion bands will be trying to rope him in.
I hear of a new band, known as the "East Oxford and Cowley Band," but am unable to get much information about it at present. Mr Bowen is in charge, I understand. Shall be glad to have a line occasionally from you old friend.
Saturday 22 March 1924
The second annual dinner the Headington Silver Band took place on Saturday at the band's' headquarters, the Britannia, Headington. - Mr. Frank Gray, M.P.. and Mr. W. S. Brayne, vice-presidents of the band, were present, as well as over fifty members and supporters: The host Mr. Wyatt) provided an excellent dinner. After dinner Mr. C. E. Clifton, the able secretary, spoke of the band's progress during the past twelve Months. Five contests had been entered, and prizes had been won at each, including first prize and the "British Bandsman" Cup at Fairford which, if won again, will become the property of the band; and the "Frank Gray" Shield and first prize at the Oxford contest last August. The band winning the shield three times becomes the owner [it?] and the Headington band will spare no effort to retain this fine trophy. The [turnover? of] the band during the past twelve months has amounted to over £400, and there is a balance on the right side of over £100. It is hoped to be able to publish an extract from the balance sheet in the near future The band intends to compete this year at Swindon contest, May 24th; May 31st; Henley, June 21st; Fairford, July 12th; Oxford. July 19th; Aldbourne July 26th, and at Witney contest. Mr. F. Gray, who also spoke said that Headington was now one of the best bands in Oxfordshire and district, but its ultimate aim was to be one of the best in England. If they kept on as they were going now, there was no doubt but that they would in the course of time be able to rank with the best bands in the country. In Mr. W. S. Brayne the Headington. band had a hardworking, enthusiastic vice-president, one who was always on [?] ready to do anything in his power to keep up the band's standard of efficiency. Recently the band had to forego the Sunday morning rehearsal, owing to complaints being made by someone in the neighbourhood. Mr. Brayne kindly came to the rescue, and offered the band the use of the Cowley Road Palace for rehearsals. The remainder of the evening was given up to enjoyment. Mr. Leonard [?] now recovered from his indisposition which prevented him from being present at the band's recent concert in the Town Hall was in good form, and gave several songs during the evening in his well-known style. Messrs. Woodcock, North, Wornand, Bateman and Mattock also contributed to the programme, which was enjoyed by all present.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 28 March 1924
Oxford and District News
April 1924
Headington Silver Band's last indoor concert of the season took place at the Town Hall, Oxford, on Sunday, March 16th. The hall was filled to the last seat, and the gangways were filled with standing music-lovers. The programme presented by the band was of a very high order, only our first-class bands could excel in the class of music played. Special mention must be made of Mr. L. Norwood, the brilliant solo cornet of the band and also of the solo horn player, whose tone and execution was great. Mr A F Brooks, the professional conductor, has brought the Headington Band along wonderfully durung the past few years, ably supported by Mr W.T. Miller, the resident bandmaster. In Mr. C E Clifton too, the band has a gem of a secretary, such as few bands in this district possess. Nothing is too much for him to do, if it will benefit his band and he is just as hardworking in the cause of the Association. May he live to see Headington among the first-class bands of England. The annual dinner took place on Saturday, March 23rd [sic].
Oxford and District News
May 1924
The Second Annual Dinner of the Headington Silver Band was well attended, Mr Frank Gray, M. P. , occupying the place of honour, supported by Mr. W. T. Brayne (Vice-President), Mr. W. Miller (Bandmaster), Mr. C. E Clifton (Secretary), and others. Mr Clifton mentioned during the course of a very enjoyable evening that the band's turnover for the past 12 months amounted to over £400, and there was a balance on the right side of over £100. Bravo! Mr. Frank Gray, who is a very enthusiastic Vice-President in spite of his many other activities, in accepting a large photo of the band, said that it was one of the best bands in Oxfordshire, but he hoped to see it one of the best in England. Stick to it, Headington! You have a long way to go, but you are travelling on the right road.
Faringdon Marketplace
Monday 9 June 1924
Programme for a performance at Faringdon 9 June 1924
Faringdon Market Place
March: BB and CF (Ord Hume)
Romance: Piper's Wedding (Kennedy Thayne)
Selection: Rigoletto - Contest Test Piece, 2nd Prize, Swindon, May 24th 1924; 3rd Prize, Silchester, May 31st, 1924 (Verdi)
One Step: The Wee Grenadier (T. Graham)
A Valour Phantasy: Golden Dreamboat (H. Nicholls)
Descriptive Selection: The Mill in the Dale (S. Cope)
Selection: Woodland Revels - Contest Test Piece, Henley-on-Thames Contest, June 21st and Oxford, July 19th, 1924 (E. Le Due)
Fox trot: Roaming (T.Bigwood)
Waltz: Peggy O'Niel (G. Dodge)
March: Joy of Life - 1st Prize Contest, Silchester, May 31st 1924. (J. Moorhouse)
Conductor: Mr W. Miller
Oxford and District News
July 1924
Headington Silver still the busiest band in the district took 2nd prize at Swindon, May 24th, 3rd at Silchester, May 31st (Henley) Engaged for Whit Monday Sports at Faringdon, and gave great satisfaction to all. Evening concert on Faringdon Market place included test-pieces for Henley and Oxford. Thanks for balance-sheet, Mr. Clifton, what an eyeopener! Income, £444 9s 9d. Balance in hand of £112 Os 81/2d. Well done, Headington .
1924 Contests
The band competed at Swindon 24 May coming 2nd on the March 'Joy of Life' and 3rd on the test piece 'Rigoletto'. The Band also competed at Silchester coming 1st on 'Joy of Life', and 2nd on the test piece 'Rigoletto'. The same again at Aldbourne, then at Henley where the Band won on the test piece 'Gems of the Opera'. There was no march contest. In July we competed again at Fairford with 1st, playing march 'Joy of Life', but only 2nd on test piece 'Rigoletto'.JA
ODBBA Contest
Saturday 19 July 1924
At the Oxford and District Brass Band Association contest held at Worcester College Sports ground
the Band won two 1st prizes playing the march 'Joy of Life' and the test piece 'Woodland Revels'. There was also an open section that year for Bands outside of the Association with a choice of two test pieces, either 'Rigoletto' or 'Berlioz Faust'. The Band also entered this section choosing to play 'Rigoletto' which had been well and truly rehearsed that year. Three other Bands, Aldbourne, Swindon and Bletchley also played the same piece, but Hanwell Band from London chose to play 'Berlioz Faust', a much more difficult piece and practically swept the board. They won both march and test piece and also medals for soprano, solo cornet, solo horn, trombone and euphonium. Headington were 2nd in both march and test piece and won the medal for flugel, the only thing that Hanwell did not take back to London. I still have that medal.JA
August 1924
Headington have also been busy as ever.
I hear that a Works' Band is being started at Morris' Motor Works, at Cowley, Oxon. Should be able to get a good band here, but I hope it will not affect Headington, as nearly all their men are employed at Morris'.What has become of East Oxford and Cowley, Mr. Bowen?
Crystal Palace Contest
September 1924
In September the Band played in the 5th section at Crystal Palace on the test piece 'Labour and Love'. Our professional conductor, Frank Brooks was unable to train and conduct the Band on this occasion as he said that he had his hands full with his own Band, Wolverton, who were in the Grand Shield section, one section below the Championship, and were playing 'Oliver Cromwell'. As a result we engaged Mr Albert Lawton from Leicester who had been the adjudicator at Oxford. This, I am afraid was a very bad mistake as he was a Yorkshireman and he was continually saying "I want more tone, more tone". We never were a heavy Band and so on the day, we practically blew our heads off and were well slated for it. It could all have been so different with our usual conductor.JA
Headington went to Crystal Palace, but did not succeed in getting into the prizes, although they gave a good performance. Mr. A Lawton was engaged to coach them for this contest, and certainly worked wonders with them. We shall hear more of Headington.
The Headington Band was not succesful in getting into the prizes at Crystal Palace, although they gave a good performance. Appended are the notes of Mr. John Faulds, one of the adjudicators in section 5:- "No - 12 Band (Headington, A. Lawton). Introduction: Opens well for tune and style, but is not knit together as it ought to be; tenor fair at (I.); cor. and euph. very sympathetic to each other; you hardly agree in pitch, though; good at (3). Allegro agitato: Cornet not too happy to open this item, but band is firm, and that is something. Meno mosso: Well done in cornet and barit. if you were better in tune. Andante patetico: Accompts. good; excellent euph. in solo; well done, euph. ! you have done splendidly in this move ment. Allego Drammatico: Hardly firm or precise to open, but improves later; then loose again; trom. very fair in recit. Andante: Accompts. good; cornet inclined to vibrato, otherwise very good indeed, and the infirmity complained of seemed to disappear as he went on; cad. quite good. Allegro Marziale: I like this with more bite and snap, and I like, also, a quicker tempo, too; very good about (18). Troms out on the E flat (tenor clef) in Allargando; finish rough and overblown; unpleasant, this; think of tone in quality as well as in bulk."
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 17 October 1924
Vacancy Ad
October 1924
Wanted good Solo Cornet and Euphonium players (Contesting). Regular work found for experienced Carpenter and Bricklayer. C. E. CLIFTON, Secretary, 17, Parker Street, Iffley Rd., Oxford
Morris Motors band
Just after Crystal Palace, Morris Motors Band started up and depleted the ranks of Headington Band by nine players, myself included. Three solo cornets, flugel, solo horn, solo euphonium, two Bb basses also three former Headington players on cornet, baritone and trombone. All of these players were employees in the works. I was not working there at that time but went along as I was offered the soprano which was what I had always wanted. This left Headington Band in the doldrums for some little while…JA
Town Hall Concert
Sunday 26 October 1924
Programme for a concert at Oxford Town Hall, Sunday 26 October 1924
Town Hall, Oxford, Sunday, Oct. 26th, 1924.
March: Association (Anderson)
Overture: Veronica (Greenwood)
Tone Poem: Labour and Love - Crystal Palace Contest Selection (P. Fletcher)
Selection: Gems of italian Opera - Henley-on-Thames Contest Selection. First Prize and Silver Challenge Cup (W. Rimmer)
Serenade: Schubert Serenade (Scubert)
March: The Wye Valley (Lt. J. Ord Hume)
Friday 14 November 1924
"I was unable to be present at the Headington Band's concert in the Town Hall a few weeks ago, but heard that there was it good audience, and the playing was up to the Headington standard "tip-top." I have heard that there is a band at Morris Motors. Will the secretary let me have particulars, please!"
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 14 November 1924
Town Hall Concert
Sunday 14 December 1924
A musical treat is promised to those who attend the Headington Silver Band's concert on Sunday evening. The high standard of the Headington Band's concerts is well known, so needs no further comment of mine. Madame Mary Weir is the soloist, the accompanist being Mr. Sydney B. Mills. The concert will commence at 8.15, doors being open at 7.30.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 12 December 1924
Town Hall, Oxford, Sunday, Dec. 14th, 1924
March: Simplicity (Ord Hume)
Descriptive Selection: A Military Church Parade (Ord Hume)
Cornet Solo: The Lost Chord - Mr. L. H. Norwood (Sullivan)
Selection: Patience (Sullivan)
March: Hartonian (G. Hawkins)
God Save the King
Conductor: Mr. W. Miller
Note: Someone has pencilled in the programme for the next Town Hall concert on 18 January 1925
Friday 19 December 1924
"Eupho" writes: The Town Hall was well filled on Sunday evening, when the Headington Silver Band gave another of their series of winter concerts. In view of the large number of people present the financial result was very disappointing the "nimble threepenny-piece" was well in evidence as usual, and no less than 500 of them were taken, forming a large part of the total collection. The expenses of these concerts are naturally very heavy, and the band will benefit by less than £4 when all expenses are paid. It is very discouraging to work so hard and then get such disappointing results, and it is a matter for regret that the people of Oxford do not appreciate these concerts to the extent that they might do. The City of Oxford is very fortunate in being able to have Sunday concerts by such fine bands as the Headington, City Military, and 4th O.B.L.I. Bands, and by Mr. Payne's orchestra., in addition to the many fine vocalists that are always at hand. The soloist at Sunday's concert was Madame Mary Weir, the brilliant soprano, of principal Newcastle and Scottish concerts, and the accompanist was Mr. Sydney B. Mills. Mr. W. Miller conducted the band in his usual able manner. Appended is the programme: March. "Simplicity" (Ord Hume); selection, "A Military Church Parade" (Ord Hume) (this selection was recently broadcast by the Whitwood Colliery Band from the bottom of a coal mine 1,500 feet deep); song, "Beloved, it is Morn" (Florence Allward), Madame Mary Weir (encore, "Lift Thine Eyes," Frederick Knight-Logan); cornet solo," The Lost Chord" (Sullivan), soloist, Mr. L. H. Norwood, who gave a brilliant rendering of this favourite solo, the band's accompaniment being tastefully played; in response to an encore the band, played "Alpine Echoes" (A. Truman); songs, "A Summer Night" (Goring Thomas) and "When the Heart is Young" (Charles Swaine), Madame Mary Weir. Just before the commencement of this item Madame Weir was presented with a handsome bouquet of pink and white chrysanthemums by Miss Dorothy Jacobs. In the selection "Patience" (Sullivan) the band quite caught the Gilbert and Sullivan spirit, and the final march, "Hartonian," dedicated by the composer to the Harton Colliery Band, concluded a fine programme
The concert given by the Headington Silver Band on Sunday evening was un doutedly successful from a musical point of view, but very disappointing financially. Amateur bands seem to be very badly supported not only in Oxfordshire but in all the surrounding counties, particularly in the small towns. Village bands usually are better supported, the probable reason being lack of other attractions in the villages. It seems a great pity that a band like the Headington Band, which is the best in the oounty, and one of the best in the South Midlands, should not be better supported.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette, 19 DECEMBER 1924
Cape of Good Hope
The Band moved its headquarters to the Cape of Good Hope pub on the plain, Oxford. It is also suggested that the band change its name.
Town Hall Concert
Sunday 18 January 1925
Another musical treat is to store for those who visit the Town Hall on Sunday evening, when a further concert will be given by the Headington Silver Band. Madame Georgina Phillips (of Bath), the well-known contralto of principal London, Scottish and provincial concerts, has been engaged for this concert, and the band, under the conductorship of Mr. W. Miller, will play a specially selected programme of music. Doors will be open at 7.30, concert to commence at 8.15. It is hoped that. Ithe public will support this concert better than the last one was, when 560 threepenny pieces formed the greater part of I the collection.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 16 January 1925
Programme for a concert at Oxford Town Hall, Sunday 18 January 1925
March: Underhill House (H. Heyes)
Overture Diamond Cross (Greenwood)
Song: As you passed by
Selection: La Traviata (Verdi)
March: Friendship (Moorhouse)
Oxford and District News
February 1925
Headington Silver is still busy, having had several very enjoyable concerts in Oxford Town Hall durmg the winter season. Good crowds have been the rule, but bad collections. 560 threepenny pieces formed the greater part of the collection on one occasion I am sorry to hear that they are likely to lose one or two of their best men, who are joining Morris' Motor Works Band, but Headington will survive it, with such a secretary as Mr. Clifton to help them on. And there are always plenty of learners ready to fill up the gaps.
ODBBA Solos and Quartettes Contest
Saturday 21 February 1925
Headington entered a soprano cornet soloist, trombone soloist (Bateman 1st place) and a horn quartet.
The Oxfordshire and District Brass Band Association's first annual solo and quartette contest took place at the Women's Liberal and Progressive Club in George Street on Saturday, when nine quartettes and 24 soloists' competed.
... Mr. Hinkins, the well-known soprano cornet player of the Headington Band, played No.2...
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 27 February 1925
Friday 27 February 1925
The third annual dinner of the Head[ington Silver Prize Band, at the Britannia Inn], on Feb. 12th, when the bandsmen were the guests of the proprietor, Mr. I. Wyatt, who entertained the band as a mark of his appreciation for their splendid successes during the past year. A goodly company enjoyed the excellent repast served, under the presidency of Councillor E. B. Lewis, one of the vice-presidents. The concert held later was well attended by subscribers and friends, the musical items by Messrs. Parker, Perrior, and Norwood being well received. The able secretary, Mr. C. E. Clifton, during the evening gave an account of the contests attended and results attained, and stated that if possible all contests within a reasonable radius would be attended during the coming season. Two important presentations took place during the evening. The first was made to Mr. W. Miller, who has ably filled the position of bandmaster for some years, and took the form of a handsome watch suitably inscribed. Mr. Miller, in responding, stated that it was the greatest surprise of his life, and he had not the slightest inkling that he was to be the recipient of such a splendid token. He would not value it for its worth, but for the esteem and appreciation shown by the bandsmen, and he hoped that he would live to see the band climb still higher up the ladder of success, which could only be done by the bandsmen working in harmony. (May Mr. Miller live to see his hopes fulfilled!) The other presentation took the form of a splendid mahogany eight-day timepiece, and the fortunate recipient was Mrs. Edward, one of the most active of the band's many lady workers. Suitably inscribed upon a silver plate was "From the Headington Silver Prize Band as a small token of esteem and regard for services rendered." The evening terminated' with a vote of thanks to the host and hostess and the genial chairman. In connection with the Headington Band a special word of praise is due to Mr. C. E. Clifton, the secretary, to whose untiring' efforts is due much of the success achieved by the band. Many may remember the Headington Band some years ago before. Mr. Clifton was connected with it. and they will appreciate the great strides made, due in no small measure to his labours, ably backed up by a spirit of loyalty and good fellowship among the band members. At the best a secretary's job is rather a thankless task; he gets but little appreciation when all is going well, and has to bear the brunt when everything is wrong. A good band secretary is a rarity, and Headington should consider themselves highly favoured in having such a one as Mr. Clifton, who is not only the best in the district, but one of the best in the South of England. Long may he live, and may he see, with Mr. Miller, his band not only the best in the county but among the best in England!.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette, 27 FEBRUARY 1925
[Note: The clock later turned up at an antique shop in Etowah, Tennessee!]
Oxford and District News
March 1925
The Third Annual Dinner of the Headington Silver Band took place at the "Britannia," Headington, on Thursday. February 12th, when the band members were the guests of Mr. J. Wyatt, who entertained the band as a mark of appreciation for their splendid successes during the past year on the contest field.
The Headington Band's Sunday Concert.
Friday 27 March 1925
The Town Hall was not quite so well filled as usual on Sunday evening, when the Headington Silver Band gave their last indoor concert of the season the artistes were Madame Georgina Phillips and Mr. Harold Phillips, of principal London, Scottish and provincial concerts, and Mr. Harold Phillips, jun., was the accompanist. Mr. W. Miller conducted the band in his usual able manner. Appended is the programme:— March: " Blockade" (J A. Greenwood); air varie, "Beulah" (arr. W. Rimmer), the band; song, "Serenade" (Gounod), Madame Georgina Phillips; encore song. "Spring is here" (Edith A. Dick); trombone solo, "Lend tree your (arranged by Lt. J. Ord Hume), Mr. W.J. Bateman, accompanied by Miss V. Whiting; songs, "The Fisherman" (Gerald Lane), and "Chip of the Old Block" (W. H. Squire), Mr. Harold Phillips; cornet solo, "Ave Maria" (Mascagni), Mr. R. Hinkins; song, "Isis," Madame Georgina Phillips (this song was specially written for Madame Phillips by W.S. Martin); selection, "Classic Gems" (arranged W. Rimmer), and March, "El Abanica" (Javaloyes), the band. Special mention must be made of the excellent rendering of their solos by Messrs. W. J. Bateman, trombone, and R. Hinkins, cornet. It may be remembered that both were competitors at the solo and quartette contest held in Oxford in February. Mr. Bateman secured first prize in his section, but Mr. Hinkins, though he thoroughly deserved to be in the prizes, was unfortunate owing to the piano not quite being in tune.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette, 27 MARCH 1925
Faringdon Marketplace
Tuesday 2 June 1925
Programme for a performance at Faringdon 2 June 1925
Faringdon Market Place, June 2nd, 1925
March: London Pride - Test Piece Silchester, May 30th (Moorhouse)
Overture: Veronica (Greenwood)
Indian Love Lyric 1. Temple Bells, 2. Less Than the Dust ( Amy Woodford Findon)
Selection: Iolanthe - Test Piece, Silchester, May 30th (Sullivan)
Intermezzo: Fragrance (Ancliffe)
Serenade (Schubert)
Selection: Pirates of Penzance (Sullivan)
Waltz: Echoes of Killarney (H. Round)
Fox trot: Caravan (Ord Hume)
March: Wye Valley (Ord Hume)
God Save the King
Conductor: Mr. W. Miller
Wednesday 3 June 1925
Headington Band headed the procession organsed by the "Imps" last Saturday. I did not have the pleasure of hearing them, but understand that they played fairly - well, though Headington. like many other better-class bands is better on the stand than on the march.
Oxfordshire Weekly News - Wednesday 3 June 1925
Oxford and District News
July 1925
Headington Silver still carrying on. Have not had much luck lately since losing a number of their best men to Morris' Motor Works Band. Everyone must have their ups and downs, Mr Clifton.
ODBBA Contest
Saturday 18 July 1925
The Band did compete at the association contest 18 July 1925 and were 2nd to Morris Motors. The test piece being 'Echoes of the Opera', and they also took the medal for best solo cornet. So although down, were not out!JA
Section II, "Echoes of the Opera" Headington Silver: "Opening is rather overblown and untuneful... ", Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 24 July 1925
Oxford and District News
August 1925
Headington have recommenced their Sunday outdoor concerts. Played on Headington Sports Ground on July 5th and 19th.
Headington Horticultural Show
Monday 3 August 1925
The Headington Silver Prize Band played selections during the afternoon, and provided dance music in the evening.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 07 August 1925
Oxford and District News
October 1925
Headington Silver were at Abingdon on September 20th for a couple of concerts. Good progmmmes were played, and I noticed several L. J. items "Echoes of the Opera" being particularly well rendered. In spite of many setbacks, Headington are still the leading band of the d1strict.
Oxford and District News
December 1925
Headington are still carrying on as well as ever, and are worth going miles to hear. They have several Sunday evening concerts this winter in the Town Hall. Hope that they will be well patronised.
1926 saw the Band gradually building up a little with a learners class again. The Band entered the association solo and quartet contest which was held in the Town Hall and which originated the year before in 1925. They obtained 2nd in solo and 2nd and 3rd in the quartet. Later in the year they took part in the association full Band contest and were 2nd again to Morris Motors, the test piece being 'Oberon'. It was shortly after that contest that I returned to the Band and helped out as assistant soloist.JA
1926 ODBBA Solos and Quartettes Contest
Saturday 20 February 1926
The second annual ODBBA solos and quartettes contest was held in the Town Hall Assembly Room on 20 February 1926.
Headington entered 2 quartettes and 5 soloists.
Senior Grade Quartettes:Headington "A" second place, playing "Cosi fan Tutti"; Headington "B" fourth place "In Solemn Strains"
Soloists: R. Hinkins (soprano. cornet), playing "Softly Awakes my Heart" gaining second position, S. Alder playing "The Nightingale" (sixth position), A. Smith (Cornet) playing "Song without words"; W. Bateman (trombone), "Lend me your aid"; F. Bryan (tronbone) playing "Lend me your aid"
In the senior grade quartettes Headington B quartette was composed of four trombones—a most unusual combination
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 19 February and 26 February 1926 and Oxfordshire Weekly News - Wednesday 3 March 1926
Saturday 22 May 1926
Headington came second in the first section, the test piece was "Carmen No. 2."
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 04 June 1926
1926 ODBBA Contest
Saturday 17 July 1926
The fourth annual ODBBA Contest took place in the grounds of Worcester College.
Headington Silver came second in the second section, playing "Oberon" (Weber). "Cornet too modest, and band untuneful... band continue to make a fairly good finish. Second Prize".
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 23 July 1926 and Oxfordshire Weekly News - Wednesday 28 July 1926
Headington Carnival
September 1926
The band begins the Headington Carnival Committee which holds an annual carnival and brass band contest to help raise funds to reequip the band.
Given a fine day on Saturday. the grand carnival band contest, under the auspices of the Headington Silver Band, should prove a great attraction. All bandsmen in this district should make a special effort to attend. I wish the event every success. VIVACE.Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 3 September 1926
From early afternoon to late evening on Saturday great crowds of people flocked to South Park, Headington, the first annual carnival and band contest, arranged by the Headington Silver Prize Band. The carnival was on a remarkably large scale for a first attempt, and the offioials deaerved success for such a bold move. The procession, which left Broad Street and made its way through Holywell, Longwall, and St. Clement's, attracted attention along the whole of the route. Included in it were tableaux, decorated cycles, character dress, trade advertising vehicles and decorated private cars. There were several striking costumes embodying original ideas. One of the competitors was made up as a firework, and another as the traditional Guy Fawkes. A Red Indian brave and a squaw, and a bride and bridegroom also stood out. The commercial vehicles made a goodly array. Messrs. Ward's van was made up as a drawing-room, and Messrs. Allsopp's turnout consisted of a large bottle of Allsopp's drawn by four pedigree ponies —two black ones standing 39 inches each and named Maid of Cairn and Black star, and two grey ponies standing 36 inches named Linnett and Lightfoot. The ponies. are six years oold and during the eighteen months they have been on show have taken fourteen prizes.
THE OBJECTS OF THE CARNIVAL. The objects of the carnival were three-fold —to help local charitable organisations. to induce some of the best bands in the Midland Counties to compete, and it was also hoped to obtain funds in order to equip the Headington Silver Baud with a first-class; set of contesting instruments. The officials and the audience were greatly disappointed with the band contest, for whereas sixty bands were circularised only six de cided to compete. These were the Great Central and Metropolitan Silver Band. Hanwell Sliver Prize, Lambbeth Borough Silver Prize, Wolverton Town and Works, Chesham Town Silver Prize, and Morris Motors Prize Band. Unfortuntely only two of these bands— Hanwell and Morris Motors—actually arrived on the ground, and as they were in dif ferent sections there was no competition of any kind. This state of affairs was most regrettable, and very disoouraging to the committee, who had secured a number of fine trophies, including the "G. Herbert, Morrell" challenge trophy, having a wonderful design and valued at a hundred guineas. Mr. George Hawkins, of South Shields, the adjudicator, said having regard to the trophies he thought the lack of competitors was rather deplorable. The first trophy was unique as far as his experience went. He had seen hundreds of trophies but never one with such a design. It was discouraging to the committee, which had gone to a great deal of trouble to obtain the trophies and secure £300 money.
AMUSEMENTS FOR ALL. The crowd, though naturally disappointed found numerous amusements and attractions with which to while away the time. Members of the Oxford City Road Club, with Mr. H. Rodwell and Mr.. J. C. Warland as judges. and Mr. Lewis Field as starter, competed in cycle races. Afterwards: they kept a large crowd intensely amused by a display of comic boxing in tubs. Miss Leggs' pupils gave a dancing display in the enclosure, and in the evening many couples also danced. Messrs. Jacob Studt and Son had their well-known amusements, and the carnival ended with a display of fireworks. The prize-giving took place outside the commitee tent in the evening, and among those present were Mr. H. Crompton and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brooke. Mr. Crompton said Colonel A. St. G. Hamersley was unable to stop and present the prizes owing to his health, but Mrs. Stanley Brooke had kindly consented to do so. In the first place he would like to say how very disappointed they were about the bands. He knew how disappointed the audience were, but they were not more disappointed- than the organisers. For three months they had worked hard and sixty bands had been circularised and told what valuable prizes there were. Photographs of the trophies would be sent round, and the bands would be sorry that they had not competed for them. Had it not been for the carnival there would Lave been no band contest. At the next carnival, which would be held earlier in the year, they hoped more bands would enter for the competition.
Trade Vehicles: 1, Messrs. Allsopps; 2, Masswattee Tea; 3, Atora Suet; Highly commended, Messrs. Tuckwell and Sons. Decorated Vehicles: 1, Ward, Park End Street; 2, Messrs. Lyons; 3, Messrs. Grimbley Hughes and Co. h.c., Golden Bough. Decorated Cycles (adults): Black and White, Miss Iris Normington. Decorated Cycles (juveniles): 1, J. Schofield; 2, D. Clifton; 3, S. Oliver. Character Dress (adults): 1, T. Nash; 2, Miss S. Schofield and friend; 3, Mrs. H. Hughes. Character Dress (juvenile): 1, Miss May Ward; 2, Gladys Taylor; 3, R. May; h.c., Audrey Mallett. The judges in this section were: Miss D. Rippon, Mr. R. A. Gibbs, and Mr. D. G. Horton (Midland Display Service) Comic Boxing in Tubs: 1, A. Woods; 2. J. Webb.
CYCLE RACING. One Mile Handicap: 1; G. Marcock; 2, A. Gabittas; 3, C. N. D. Wassell. Half Mile Handicap: 1, A. Gabittas; 2, H. Wirdnam 3, W. Feast. Novelty Race: 1, W. Feast; 2, A. Woods; 3, J. Webb.
Section I., test piece. "Carmen" (Bizet):
I Hanwell Silver Prize Band (Mr. W. Greenwod, conductor).Section II., test piece, "L'Arlesienne" (Bizet); 1, Morris Motors Prize Band (Mr. T. Beresford, conductor). Sectlon III. (Dress and Deportment): Mr. Hinkins, the judge, said there was little to choose between the bands. The first prize was won by Hanwell for better covering and dressing in the march. Section IV. (Best Drummers—Bass and Side): This was won by Hanwell mainly owing to more light and shade in their playing. The tempo of both bands was excellent.
No. 1 Band, Hanwell Silver Prise Band. — Andante moderato: Good tempo and precision; very decisive in attack; intonation is faulty throughout movement; light and shade - very nicely graded: basses neat on the pizzacato imitation effect. Allegro giocoso: Characteristic and with good a tempo; the intonation and clear articulation on semiquavers need better attention; fanfare neat in rhythm, yet tone is somewhat metallic. Tempo, alla marcia: Dainty treatment, and again the tempo and style is pleasing. Molto moderato; - Delicate and neat. Allegro molto: Cleverly played. Alegro [sic] moderato: Very nicely rendered, and the intonation is improved; good tempo again and style effectively neat. Allegretto quasi andantino: Good temperament and cornet displays taste, if I except bars 7, 11, 15 and 19; the triplet and following two semiquavers are not clearly defined; one or two blurs noted. Allegro: Nicely studied in tempo and interpretation. Allegro moderato; Good euphonium style and tone, excepting occasional wavering of intonation at the phrase endings. Allegretto: Good accompaniments; solo cornet catches the correct atmosphere of the music, albeit tone will stand improving to greater purity; the cornets do not combine effectively three bars from close of movement. Andantino: Not quite up to previous set standard. Animando: Good in general. Allegro moderato: Trombone plays with good tone and style bar lower notes, which are not decisive enough; interpolation finely rendered. Good taste shown by conductor throughout and especially in closing bars. A good performance on the whole. A little more care would make this band's performance very good indeed. I admire the conductor's tempo. Soloists require a little more warmth and purer tone, yet at the same time nothing much to complain of.
No. 1 Band. Morris Motors Prize Band.— Allegro deciso: Horns: the subject is opened quite indifferently for an expected uniform style; one horn misses pitch badly; notes are not evenly played. Le- gatissimo: An improvement in the general' playing; tuning is commendable and tone of moderate quality; cohesion a desirable essential is not apparent; the players mst combine their efforts and thoughts with one object view—a united combination ; ensemble at figure 2 good comparatively, though a little stiff in style; good close, nicely subdued and tune is commendable. Allegro moderato: Seems slow: I prefer it quicker than marked; basses good tone, if a little stodgy in style; careful noting of expreesion marks redounds to your credit. Minuet: Requires more lift, apart from this criticism the playing is fairly good up to 7, yet one would like to feel the uniform motion more natural; a figure 8 tempo slows down and spoils the dance rhythm; cornet and soprano do not manipulate their parts to good advantage. Maestoso: Tempo too quick: tone good but not precise in motion and value; attack and release on such a number is imperative to all and true calculation of value by each player; expression appropriately played; cornet good style so far as rhythm is concerned. but vibrato is displeasing and spoils his tone; good tone us produced in ensemble, yet careless effects are heard for want of cohesion. Quartette fairly good balance; cornet too vibrato again: p.p. too fussy: get tone no matter what the marks are. Andante: Full tone, band here again lacking precision and uniformity. Allegro viro: Creditably rendered throughout.
CARNIVAL OFFICIALS. The officials were:— , Carnival Treasurer, M. H. Hinkins ; organising secretary, Chas. E. Clifton. General and Attractions. Committee: Chairman, Mr.. H. Crompton; hon. secretary, Mr. P. D. Chapman; assistant ditto,. E. Bond; committee, Messrs. F. Harvey, A. Coppock, W. Blunsden, E. Bond, F. Sharpe, T. Smith, W. Bishop, W. Miller, J. Alder, M. E. T Birt, T. Grimsley, F. Bint, P. Ind, H. Slater, W. Hine, T. E. Cousins, A. Louch , J. Grimsley, W. Perrier, J. Taylor, H. Bowen, C. Hawley, W. Bateman G. Cousins, F. Barnes, Ex-Sergt. Hunt, C. Taylor, A. E. Coppock, W. Coppock, R. Hinkins, F. Bryan, S.Stroud, C. J. Hawley, J. Morgan, S. Mitchell, G. Clay, A. Cousins, F. W. Hunt, L. F. Warland, F. Coppock, S. Alder, Reg. Cousins, and F. Smith. Publicity Committee: Messrs. S. G. Hunt, C. A. Holifield, F. Harvey, F. Bint, E. Bond and C. E. Clifton; hon. secretary, P. D. Chapman. Grounds and Equipment Committee: Chairman, Mr. L. Field; committee, Messrs. P. Taylor, T. Marshall, W. Ing, G. Parker, M. Edwards, F. Jeffs, R. House, F. J. Archer and E. Hughes. Contest Committee: Messrs. W. Millar, W. Perrier and R. Hinkins; hon. secretary Chas. E. Clifton.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 10 September 1926
Oxford and District News
January 1927
Headington are still one of the top-class local bands. Their Sunday concerts at Oxford Town Hall are musical treats, but a pity that they are not better patronised. The humble threepenny seems to be as valuable to an Oxonian as "saxpence" to our friends North of the Tweed!
1927 Contests
Hanwell, Egham, Oxford and Fairford contests
1927 saw the Band gradually making progress. In 1926 the Pressed Steel works had opened and several Bandsmen from Wales who got jobs there joined us. A lovely solo cornet from Aberdare, a euphonium from Ogmore and an Eb bass from that region. 1927 saw the Band back to the contest field, gaining 3rd prize in the second section at Hanwell, the test piece was 'Operatic Beauties'. The Band also competed at Egham. Then again at Fairford gaining 1st prize on 'Operatic Beauties'. The Band also competed at association contest which turned out to be a real farce. Only two Bands entered the open section, Hanwell and Morris Motors which was won by Hanwell, and only two Bands in the association first section, Morris Motors and Headington, finishing in that order. No entries at all in the lower section. Headington won the quartet earlier that year.JA
Oxford and District News
Tuesday 1 February 1927
Headington Silver gave another excellent concert in Oxford Town Hall early in the month. A fairly large audience was present, but the financial result showed a loss, as usual. Yet a letter recently appeared in the local press asking for more of those concerts. Can a band be expected to run them at a loss? As I heard a bandsman say recently, apropos of these concerts : "Oxford people want them free buckshee, and for nothing; they want to be paid to attend them and get something given them when they leave." He is not far wrong.
Solos and Quartettes Contest
Saturday 19 February 1927
The third annual ODBBA solos and quartettes contest was held in Abingdon on 19 February 1927.
Headington "B" won the quartettes section with Headington "B" second. G. Wakefield from Headington won the senior grade solos contest playing the euphonium.
(See: Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 25 February 1927)HEADINGTON SILVER PRIZE BAND. Fourth Annual Dinner.
Saturday 26 February 1927
The Headington Silver Prize Band held their fourth annual dinner on Saturday at the Cape of Good Hope, Iffley Road. Councillor E. B. Lewis presided, and those present included Councillor Amos J. George. Mr. R. Howse, Mr. L. Field. Mr. C E. Clifton (band secretary), Mr. R. Crompton, Mr. G. Miller (bandmaster of the Headington Band), Mr. T. Beresford (bandmaster of Morris Motors Band), and Mr. S. C. (Butler (secretary of the Headington and District Brass Banda Association). Mr. Crompton, proposing the toast of "The President" in the absence of Mr. H. Hinkins, said that unfortunately, like most of them, their President (Lieutenant-Col. A. St. G. Hamersley) was growing older, and could not come amongst them as often as he would like to do. He did, however, give as much support to the Headington Band as he was able, and he hoped that the secretary would send a letter of appreciation to their president from this gathering.
Councillor E. B. Lewis, responding on behalf of the president, said how much they appreciated his work on behalf of the Headington Band. He was pleased to learn that the Headington Band was still top-dog in some things, even if they had a powerful neighbour. There was room for both, as there could never be too much good music in the world. Councillor Amos George, proposing the Headington Silver Prize Band, said that back in 1889 he was secretary of a certain organisation, and in that year there was a Headington Band. He remembered fixing up an engagement with them on behalf of his organisation. It stood to the credit of Headington that there had been since that date 38 years' continuous service in music. The charm of music was a wonderful privilege, and was undoubtedly one of God's greatest gifts. Music in this neighbourhood stood in a better position to-day than at any other time since he had been connected with it. He thought he was so much on the shelf that he could do nothing except appreciate music. but he had since found that one could always find a way to help a cause one loved. Mr. C. E. Clifton. replying, said it was remarkable that Councillor George should have mentioned the band of 1889. Since the present band had been going, Councillor E. B. Lewis and Councillor Amos George had been vice-presidents, and very valuable was the assistance these gentlemen had given. His ambition in life had always been to help the working man, and it would continue to be his greatest interest. The Headington Band had been notable for its assistance to charity. This year, however. they had given concerts at the Town Hall with the idea of obtaining money to carry on their work. Unfortunately they had only just cleared their expenses on these occasions.
It will be remembered that Councillor Amos George offered four medals for competition a year ago to senior and junior members for attendance, cleanlinees of instruments, uniforms, and general progress during 1926, the senior medals being silver with a gold centrepiece. and the junior medals of siver. Councillor George. presenting the medals, said it was a healthy sign that there were a number of equal merit for one of the medals. It was interesting to note that a winner of one of the medals was in the band of 1889; he referred to Mr. Grimsley. There being a number of equal merit for one of the medals, a draw was made from a hat. The winners were: Boys: C. Hainge and H. White: Seniors, Mr. Grimsley and Mr. P. Ind. In addition to community singing a excellent programme was provided by: Mr. Leonard Moon, whose wit and versatility seem inexhaustible; Bandsmen R. Hinkins, S. G. Hawley. S. Alder and G. Wakefield (first prize winners. Abingdon, 1927); Bandsmen A. Coppock, F. Bryan. J. Bowen and J. Chadway second prize-winners. Abingdon, 1927); Mr. W. Duke and Mr. Thomas Foot. Mr. F. V. Parker was accompanist.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 4 March 1927
Wingfield Orthopaedic Hospital Garden Fete
Thursday 2 June 1927
In the evening the Headington Silver Prize Band played and there were a whist drive and a dance.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 3 June 1927
Oxford Annual Contest
Saturday 6 August 1927
The Headington Silver Prize band hosts its Annual Contest. The winners were: 1st Section: Callender's Cables, 2nd Section: Callender's Cables 'A'
Second Annual Contest, Saturday, August 6th. Prizes Value £400. First Section : First prize, £25 and Silver Challenge Trophy ; second, 12 Guineas and Silver Challenge Bowl ; third. 7 Guineas. Medals and Specials.Second Section (for bands not having won a first prize exceeding 8 guineas since 1925). Testpiece "Poetic Fancies" (W. & R.). First prize, 8 Guineas and Silver Challenge Vase ; second. 5 Guineas and Silver Challenge Bowl ; third, 3 Guineas. Medals and Specials. Dress and Deportment Prizes. (Drummers Bass and Side) Prizes.
Adjudicator : Mr. Geo. Hawkins.
Schedules and full particulars from Mr. Chas. E. Clifton, Hon. Secretary, 17, Parker Street, Iffley Road, Oxford
The Headington Band's contest on August 6th, was a great success, and some fine bands were present, but the local juniors in Section 2 did not stand much chance against some others that had entered in that Section. Perhaps Mr. Clifton will try a special local section at a future contest.
Oxford Town Hall Concert
Sunday 18 September 1927
1927 Crystal Palace Contest
Saturday 24 September 1927
Headington were entered in the 6th section (Junior Shield) the Test Piece: Cosi Fan Tutte (Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 26 August 1927)
Oxford Town Hall Concert
Sunday 6 November 1927
Oxford Town Hall Afternoon Carols
Sunday 18 December 1927
1928:Changing fortunes
1928 was a year of changing fortunes for the Band. The Band were 2nd at Fairford, test piece 'Semiramide' and then won the association contest which was held at a new venue (Shipton Manor). Morris Motors did not compete as they were also having problems. The test piece was 'Semiramide'. As far as I remember that was all the contesting we did that year until September when the Band decided to enter the contest at Hanwell which was being held much later than usual. This, however caused a rift in the Band and Mr Miller objected to the Band going, on the grounds that it was a waste of money and that we could not afford to go. He resigned when it was put to the vote and the Band decided to go. This was a great pity as he had been a good Bandmaster for almost ten years. This left me to coach the Band for the last two weeks before the contest as Frank Brooks, our professional, could not attend until the night before the contest as he was busy preparing his own Band for Crystal Palace which was later that month. I had earlier that year been elected as the assistant Bandmaster with little or no experience so that it was a lot on my shoulders. However, as things turned out, we did very well to get 2nd prize which was one better than the year before. We were without a Bandmaster for a while so I continued taking the Band in rehearsal and a couple of concerts that we did in the Town Hall were taken by Mr Brooks. About this time one of our members who worked at Pressed Steel told us of a Mr William Uzzell working at Pressed Steel who was a former Bandmaster in Wales. As a result he was invited along for an audition and was offered the position as Bandmaster which he accepted. I stayed on as a Deputy Bandmaster working closely with Mr Uzzell and we got on well together and he entrusted me with the 'A' quartet and shortly after we won the association quartet contest.JA
ODBBA Solos and Quartettes Contest
Saturday 18 February 1928
The band take part in the fourth annual ODBBA solos and quartettes contest, which took place at Bletchington. The band entred both the quartette contest (playing "Sunshine and Shade", coming second, and. the soloists contest: R.Hinkins (Cornet, 3rd place, Playing "Hindoo Song"), S. Cadwaladr (Cornet, 2nd place plaing "Ora Pro Nobis"), S. Alder (Tenor Horn), W. Bateman (Trombone), A. Coppock (Baritone or. euphonium).
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 24 February 1928
Thursday 17 May 1928
The annual fete in aid of the Wingfield Orthopaedic Hospital, the first event of its kind this year, was held at the Hospital yesterday.
... Headington Silver Band presented a programme of enchanting music,.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 18 May 1928
Saturday 9 June 1928
This event took place at Daws Hill Park, High Wycombe. Headington take part in the first division and come fourth playing the test piece: "The White Rider"
Tuesday 3 July 1928
A baby show, a motor cycle gymkhana, push ball matches, and country dancing are some of the extraordinary list of attractions advertised in this issue as arranged for the Banbury Sports Club fete on Horton View sports ground on July 3rd. The Headington Silver Prize Band will be in attendance, and the evening will conclude with dancing. A prize of £5 is offered in a competition to forecast the number admitted to the fete, but for this only those who secure tickets before the fete are qualified to enter.
This club announces its second annual fete for the Easington ground on July 3rd. A list of some of the attractions will be found in the advertisement on our last page. There will be a push ball matches, tugs of war, a motorcycle gymkhana, gymnastic display and a baby show and other amusements. In the tug of war the Town Council will pull the doctors of the town. The Headington Silver Prize Band will supply the music and play for dancing.
BANBURY GUARDIAN - Thursday 21 June 1928
Association Contest Winners
Saturday 21 July 1928
At the Oxfordshire and District Brass Band Association contest at Shipton Manor Headington Silver win the second section playing "Semiramide." As the first section had been cancelled owing to a lack of entries (the intended test piece being L'Ebreo) the "Frank Gray Challenge Sheild and first prize of £12 12s, was transferred to the winners of the second section.
For the second section, confined to class "A" bands affiliated to the assoeiation, there were only two entries. Headington Silver and Brackley Borough, the test piece being "Semiramide.", Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 27 July 1928
Visitors from Wales
Friday 27 July 1928
On Sunday 27th July 1928 over 1,000 miners and their families from Newport, Monmouthshire, came to Oxford, and sailed downstream from Folly Bridge to Sandford Lock, where they disembarked and joined in community singing, supported by the Headington Prize Silver Band. Many of the migrants had walked from Wales and would stay to seek work at the expanding Morris car factory.
The Scene adjoining Sandford Lock on Sunday evening, when over a thousand miners and their families from Newport joined in community singing, accompanied by the Headington Silver Prize Band. Five steamers were required to accommodate the trippers. OXFORD JOURNAL ILLUSTRATED - 1 AUGUST 1928
Oxford Annual Contest
Saturday 18 August 1928
The Headington Silver Prize Band will hold their third annual fete and band contest on Saturday, August 18 in Tuckwell's Meadows. There will be three sections, each section being limited to twelve bands. The test pieces are to be of the band's own choice. The prizes, of which the most coveted is the Morrell Challenge Trophy, include challenge bowls, shields and medals for soloists. The adjudicators are: Sections 1 and 2, Dr T. Keighley; Section 3 Mr James Brier, Blackpool.
Trophies and Prizes
Saturday 18 August 1928
The winners were: 1st Section: Denton Original M./C. ("Labour and Love"), 2nd Section: Kettering Town Silver Band ("Recollections of Verdi") and Open Section (own choice): Croft Brass ("Verdi")
The Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette (Friday 24 August 1928) contains a full report including adjudicator notes on all the band performances.
Saturday 1 September 1928
PRIZE WINNERS. Second Division.-1, Wood Green Excelsior (Stanley Bravington Challenge Cup and £10 cash); 2, Headington (Oxford) Silver (British Bandsman Challenge Cup and £5 cash); 3, Willesden Town Silver (£3 cash); 4 (no prize), Gas, Light and Coke Co., Southall. Test piece : Selection, "La Traviata" (Verdi) . Special awards of medals to soloists : Soprano, W. Axby (Headington Silver); Cornet. S. Cadwaladr (Headington Silver)...
West Middlesex Gazette - Saturday 8 September 1928
September 1928
A group taken at Manchester on the occasion of the presentation of Mrs. G. Herbert Morrell's trophy to the Denton Band, the first prize winners at the recent contest organised by the Headington Prize Band. The Oxford representatives (Messrs. Frank Harvey, H. Hinkins, Chas E. Clifton and A. Alder) are standing.
Officials Visit Manchester During Week-end. To Present Mrs. Morrell's Trophy to the Denton Band. Pleasant ceremonies, in which Oxonians took a promient [sic] part, were held at Denton, Manchester, on Saturday and Sunday. It will be recalled that the Denton Original Prize Bend entered for the band con test organised by the, Headington Silver Prize Band last month, and succeeded in winning the first prize in Section I. It was for the purpose of presenting this trophy to the Denton Band that some of the officials journeyed to Manchester on Saturday. On arrival the party were met by the Secretary of the Denton Band (Mr. Ernest Clifton) and other officials. After lunch, the party were invited to witness the football match between Manchester City and Woolwich Arsenal, at which 40,000 were present. Tea followed, and the party then journeyed to the Denton Band Headquarters at the King's Head Hotel. A social evening had been arranged, at which Mrs. Morrell's handsome trophy was on view. The party were welcomed by the President of the Denton Band, and suitable replies were made by Mr. H. Hinkins (treasurer) and Mr. Charles Clifton (secretary Several musical items followed and advantage was taken of the occasion to present Mr. W. Aston Connell, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M. the conductor of the Denton Band a piece of silver, to mark the occasion of his recent wedding. On Sunday morning the party were shown some places of interest by Mr. Dan Connell, after which lunch was provided at the King's Head Hotel by Mr. and Mrs. Connell. The afternoon was spent at Belle Vue Gardens, and tea was taken at the invitation of Mrs. Clifton, senior, mother of the Headington secretary. The evening concert, given by the Denton Band and the Denton Male Voice Choir, drew a crowded audience to the Co-operative Hall. Each item evinced continued applause and many encores were demanded. During the interval the visitors were introduced by Councillors Fred Worthington, J.P., and Mr. Hinkins presented the trophy in a few very appropriate remarks. and many expressions of appreciation were heard concerning its beautiful design. The party returned to Oxford on Monday after having spent a most enjoyable week-end, and having sampled to the full the well-known hospitality of their Lancashire hosts. The Oxford party comprised Mr. H. Hinkins (treasurer), Mr. Charles E. Clifton (secretary), Mr. Alfred Alder, and Mr. Frank Harvey.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 28 September 1928
New conductor, new bandroom?
Friday 21 December 1928
Headington: With a new conductor, and an infusion of new blood in the ranks, there is a decided move on the up grade, I am pleased to say. Rumour has it that their new bandroom will be opened shortly. Much of the credit for Headington's progress is due to their able Secretary. Mr. C. E. Clifton, who knows his job inside out. Long may he be spared to carry on the good work!
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 21 December 1928
New Players and new instruments
This was now 1929. In the ensuing months we also gained a number of new players, mostly from Wales where the pits were closing and there was work in Oxford at both Pressed Steel and Morris Motors, and also in the building trade which went in hand with the expanding car industry. In that year, 1929, we attended a number of contests. The second section at Leicester being one of them, amongst some very good Bands indeed. We did not win a prize but I feel sure that we all felt so much better having competed in such good company. The test piece was Weber's 'Der Freischutz'. We later on competed at Aynho but I am not sure about the name of the test piece [A Souvenir of the Opera] and again no prize [3rd place] having played under our own conductor Mr Uzzell, Mr Brooks not being available, also the Band was in the process of rebuilding with the new players who were still settling in. In July we again competed at Fairford also still under Mr Uzzell where the Band gave a very good performance and were awarded 2nd prize. Next came the association contest which was again held at Shipton Manor and the Band, playing under Frank Brooks gained 1st prize, again playing 'Der Freischutz'. Next the Band played at Bournemouth winning the march contest With 'Puncinello' which was actually played on the march, then were 2nd in both first and second section. As I remember it, the test pieces were 'Summer Day', for section two, and 'Der Freischutz', for section one. The Band then competed at Hanwell for the third year in succession and after being 3rd in 1927, and 2nd in 1928, we managed to win it this time. The test piece was 'Rigoletto'. I forgot to mention that the Band took possession of a new set of instruments earlier in the year and this appeared to give the Band a much heavier tone than previously. That was about all the contesting for that year, 1929, apart from a solo and quartet contest at Bicester in November which my quartet again took 1st prize and I won the solo contest playing flugel. I believe Mr Uzzell got 3rd with one of his quartets. That was a very busy year and quite a baptism for Mr Uzzell as Bandmaster. There were, of course, quite a number of engagements and concerts which were carried out by the Band, both out of doors and in the Town Hall and also out of the City.
1929 Annual Contest
Saturday 17 August 1929
The Headington Silver Prize band hosts its annual contest. The winners were: 1st Section: Hanwell, 2nd Section: Morris Motors and 3rd Section: Whetstone.