
1840 1849

A timeline of news, stories and pictures from 1840 1849.

If you have stories, memories or pictures of the band we'd love to hear from you.

All 1840 1849 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020



Whit Monday 1849

Monday 28 May 1849

The earliest known reference to the Headington Brass Band.


The second anniversary of the Union Fellowship Society was held on Monday last, at the Fox and Grapes Inn... The proceedings were of an agreeable character, and the conviviality was kept up until a late hour, assisted by the Headington Brass Band.
JACKSONS OXFORD JOURNAL 2 June 1849 also Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Saturday 2 June 1849


Tuesday 29 May 1849

On Monday last, being Whit Monday, the village Clubs in almost every part of tie county celebrated their anniversaries, but the weather was most unpro pitious for such celebrations. The Club feasts of Headington were held on the following day, when sunshine and a bright sky added greatly to the enjoyment of this festive occasion. In this village there are no less than three Clubs-one assembling at the Britannia Tavern, on the road side; another at the Chequers in the Quarry; and the other at the Black Boy, in Headington. The members of the Britannia and Quarry Clubs went in pro- cession to church, the Headington band accompanied the former...

Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Saturday 2 June 1849