1860 1869
A timeline of news, stories and pictures from 1860 1869.
If you have stories, memories or pictures of the band we'd love to hear from you.
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Monday 22 April 1861
On Monday last the Oxford Cadet Corps assembled on parade in Broad-street. and then marched Mr. C. Symood' paddock, at the back of the park. Mr. Symonds most kindly allowed the corps march through his stable yard to the paddock, so that they were not subjected to that pressure and inconvenience which has hitherto operated so much against their drilling. ... At the conclusion of their drill they marched, headed by the Headington Brass Band, and the Cadet Corps drum and fife band, down Holywell, Long Wall, and High street, the bands playing alternately in excellent style, to the Town Hall where they were dismissed.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Saturday 27 April 1861
Saturday 12 July 1862
Presentation of the Portrait of Mr. Alderman Sadler to the City. In November last, at the termination of Mr. Alderman Sadler's 1 fourth Mayoralty, there was an unanimous expression of feeling on the part of the Town Council and many of the leading citizens in favour of commemorating the event, which is almost unprecedented in the history of Oxford, in manner which might be equally grateful to the worthy Alderman's feelings, and to those of the citizens. Various modes effecting this object wore proposed, but that which appeared to meet the wishes of all parties was to ask the Alderman to sit for his portrait to be hung in the Council Chamber, among the worthies of the City.
... To give éclat to the gathering, Mr. Grizelle, organist of St. John's College, undertook, with the assistance of his musical friends, to enliven with some glees, madrigals, part songs, &c., and the services of the Headington Brass Band, conducted and led by Mr. Mark Waring2, were also secured for the occasion.
... The musical part of the entertainment commenced by the Headington Brass Band playing a grand slow march, and afterwards a polka, "Lillian." Mr. Grizelle and his friends then sang a glee, "Life’s a bumper." Up to 9 o clock there were instrumental and vocal music alternately. Nine o’clock being fixed as the time for the presentation of the portrait.
... At this moment the portrait was uncovered and hearty round of cheers burst from all parts of the room and continued for some time. The band then struck up " The fine Old English Gentleman."
... At the conclusion of the presentation the musical entertainments were renewed, and at their conclusion an impromptu dance succeeded, and was kept up with great spirit until 12 o'clock, when the band played the National Anthem, and the company separated, highly gratified with the evening's entertainment.
1. Sadler was the nephew of the famous aeronaut James Sadler
2. Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Saturday 29 December 1860 : John Waring and Mark Waring, of Headington, who had belonged to the University Rifle Volunteer Band, were charged, on the information of the commanding officer, with refusing to deliver up their instruments, clothing, &c., belonging to the corps, which subjected them to the penalty of £10 each, besides double value of their clothing and instruments. Defendants promised to give up the things and the case was adjourned for a week to enable them to do so.
Headington Hill Garden Fete
Wednesday 27 August 1862
MR. JAMES MORRELL having kindly offered Prizes to be competed for in his Grounds at Headington Hill, on Wednesday the 27th day of August instan ... The Headington Brass Band and the BANDS of the RIFLE CADET CORPS will play during the afternoon. - JACKSON'S OXFORD JOURNAL, 16 AUGUST 1862
HORTICULTURAL FETE IN MR MORRELL'S GROUNDS - ... As music is one of the great incentives to enjoyment, the company were taken care of in that respect—the Headington Brass Band being secured for the occasion. Their performances were highly creditable. - Oxford University and City Herald, Saturday 30 August 1862
Steeple Aston Friendly Society
Saturday 30 May 1863
The Steeple Aston Friendly Society held an anniversary at Steeple Aston on Wednesday, May 6.; and the Heyford and Aston Friendly Society, numbering 218 members, held its anniversary here also on the 20th inst. The Rev. John Henry Brookes, the rector, preached an impressive sermon before each of these clubs. E. Creek, Esq., was chairman at the dinner on Wednesday last, supported by the Rev. J. H. Brookes, the rector, the Rev. W. Green, vicar of Steeple Aston, and a large roomful of members who were enlivened by talented strains and vocal powers of the Headington Brass Band. Country dances in Mr Wing's barn wound up the evening. The Steeple Aston Friendly Society has expended £105 19s. 10d. during the year; the Heyford and Aston £110 8s. 4d. Both the societies appear to be healthy and flourishing. The old grammar school founded by Dr Radcliffe, in 1640, was re-opened on Monday last as a mixcd National School, with an attendance of 43 pupils. It has been closed nearly 2 years.
Annual Dinner of the Loyal Havelock Lodge of Odd Fellows
Tuesday 11 August 1863
The members of the Loyal Havelock" Lodge, No. 4,820, M.U., will celebrate their third anniversary on Tuesday next, August 11, at the " Plough Inn," in this village, where the members and their fritnds will dine together five o’clock, and from the interest which is felt in this noble Order, a good meeting may expected. Tbe Headington Brass Band is engaged for the occasion, and previous to the dinner, at 12 o’clock, a friendly game of cricket will take place between the married and single members the Lodge.
Annual Dinner of the Loyal Havelock" Lodge of Odd Fellows, No. 4.820, M.U.
The third anniversary of this Lodge was celebrated Tuesday last, at the house of Brother Host George Taylor, "Plough Inn," when about 60 of the members of this and other Lodges in the neighbourhood, and their friends, sat down to an excellent dinner, which reflected great credit on the host, and also gave general satisfaction. The room was tastefully decarated with evergreens and flowers, and also hung with banners, bearing mottoes of the Order. On the removal of the cloth, the Chairman (N. G. A. E. Goodwin,) proposed "The Queen," which was received with all honour, after which the Chairman proposed "The Prince and Princess of Wales," and the rest of the Royal Family." "The Grand Master, and Board of Directors" was coupled with the name Brother G. H. Haigh, who responded in an appropriate manner. Then followed the health of the Provincial Corresponding Secretary." who gave an account of the progress of Odd Fellowship generally, and stated that 15,000 members had been added throughout the kingdom. He felt thankful that it was in such a flourishing state, and he hoped that it would continue to do so, not only in this place, but in every other, and that they would all unite and use their best endeavour to promote that for which the Order was intended, viz, help and assist the sick. The next toast was "Prosperity to the 'Loyal Havelock' Lodge." Then followed "The District Officers," to which Brother Haigh briefly responded. "Brother Edmunds," and thanks to him for getting up the game of cricket, to which he briefly responded. "The Host," ard thanks to him for the excellent dinner. Brother Haigh (Vice-Chairman), here proposed "The Health of tha Chairman," (Brother Goodwin), who responded in a feeling manner, saying that he hoped he had done his duty as Chairman; he had endeavoured to do so, and that if it was his lot to take the chair at another of their anniversaries, he should be able the duty to their satisfaction, and with honour to himself. "The Surgeon, John Martin, Esq.," (who, through other engagements was prevented from being present), was next given. "The Band," coupling it with the name of Mr. M. Waring, and thanks to him for his energetic and untiring exertions in getting the band together. Other appropriate toasts were also given ; and during the evening some excellent songs were sung by Brothers Swallow, Gibbons, Durham, Lewis, Johnson, Waring, and others. The performances of the band agreeably diversified the proceedings. Previous to the dinner, the members and their friends, headed by the "Headington Brass Band." assembled at their Lodge room, and from thence proceeded to a field kindly lent for the occasion by Mr. Thomas Knowles, of this village, when a match of cricket was made between eleven members of the "Good Intent" Lodge (Oxford), and eleven of the Loyal Havelock," (Headington), when the former were victorious by four runs, as the subjoined score will show:
Wednesday 18 May 1864
THE HEYFORD AND ASTON FRIENDLY SOCIETY, which was established in 1836, held a quarterly meeting on the 18th instant, and a Committee meeting on the 22nd. At this latter, ... it was resolved unanimously to hold the next anniversary meeting on Wednesday, May 18, to invite the Vicar of North Aston, many of whose parishioners are members of this club, to preach, a sermon at Steeple Aston, and to dine together under a marquee, to be erected in a pasture close near the Red Lion Inn, Steeple Aston. The Headington Brass Band is engaged for the occasion. ...
Oxford Journal - Saturday 30 April 1864
"Loyal Havelock” Lodge of Old Fellows
Tuesday 9 August 1864
The fourth anniversary dinner of the "Loyal Havelock” Lodge of Old Fellows, M.U., was held Tuesdav last, at the Plough,” Headington, when upwards of 40 sat down to a substantial dinner, which was served up in capital style by Brother Host George Taylor, and reflected great credit on him as a caterer, and gave great satisfacion to all. It was intended in the early part of the day to have had a cricket match, but the very unpropitious state of the weather prevented it from being carried out. However as the sun shone rather brightly towards afternoon, a friendly game was played. The Headington Brass Band was engaged for the occasion, and paraded the village, headed by the large banner of the Order...
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Saturday 13 August 1864
Monday 18 May 1868
STEEPLE ASTON. THE HEYFORD AND ASTON FRIENDLY SOCIETY, which Was established in 1836, held a quarterly meeting on the 18th instant, and a Committee meeting on the 22nd. At this latter, at which Mr. I. Bagget, of Lower Heyford, the Vice-Chairman of the Society, presided, and which was attended by the Rev. J. H. Brookes, Messrs. W. Wing, D. Durran, W. Wodham, W. Louch, T. Gilks, J. Newman, and J. Dieks, it was resolved unanimously to hold the next anniversary meeting on Wednesday, May 18, to invite the Vicar of North Aston, many of whose parishioners are members of this club, to preach, a sermon at Steeple Aston, and to dine together under a marquee, to be erected in a pasture close near the Red Lion Inn, Steeple Aston. The Headington Brass Band is engaged for the occasion. The capital of the Society slightly exceeds 1150l., the number of benefit members being 235. The total income of the Society during the past year has been 218l., and its expenditure nearly 128l., of which 80l. was paid to the sick, and 26l. to the medical officer. There have been 23 new members elected during the year, three members have died, and three have withdrawn. The addition made to the capital during the year has been over 90l. 640l. have been invested. at various times on three mortgage securities, 478l. odd are in the Post Office Savings' Bank at Lower Heyford, and the rest with the Treasurer, We hear that the Rev. C. Rede Clifton has kindly consented to preach as requested.
The Headington Loyal Havelock Lodge of Odd Fellows
Saturday 25 July 1868
The Headington Loyal Havelock Lodge of Odd Fellows
The anniversary dinner of this lodge took place in a tent in the gardens of the Britannia Inn, Headington... In the morning a procession was formed, and marched, preceded by the Headington Brass Band, through the principal thoroughfares of the village... Several complimentary toasts followed, after which the company adjourned into the gardens, where such sports running, jumping, walking, sack racing, quoits, cricket, bat and trap, and numerous other amusements were indulged in. Dancing also took place to the strains of the village band. ...
OXFORD TIMES, 25 July 1868, also Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Saturday 25 July 1868
Garsington Feast
Monday 21 September 1868
At two o'clock the committee, composed chiefly of the members of the cricket club, headed by the Headington Brass Band, marched through the village attended by an immense concourse of holiday seekers.... The beautiful weather induced a very large attendance of visitors, by whom the performance of the splendid brass band was much appreciated... Other toasts followed including "The Band" coupled with the name of Mr. Taylor. The proceedings closed about ten o'clock, the band playing the National Anthem...
Saturday 22 May 1869
The members of the benefit club held their anniversary meeting on Whit-Monday, when the members, headed by the Headington brass band, marched in procession to Church, where the Rev. H. J. Graham preached an eloquent and impressive sermon to a numerous and attentive congregation. On their return from Church a capital dinner awaited them in their club-room, which was done full justice to. On the cloth being cleared, the usual loyal and other toasts were given by the worthy chairman, the Rev. H. J. Graham, and some capital speeches and practical advice Messrs. Aldworth, Gale, Smith, Clinkard, Holloway and others. The band, attended by large number of the club members and others, paraded the streets of the village, calling at the houses of the principal subscribers, till supper time, after which the | band played the National Anthem and brought pleasant holiday to close. The newly formed fife and drum band made its debût on the following evening, and reflects the greatest credit on the band master, Mr. Bennett, by the way in which they performed a varied selection of popular tunes, and with a little more practice they would soon be second to none ; but we venture to suggest to the band whether half-past three o'clock in the morning is not a little too soon practice for those neighbours who are not quite such early risers.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Saturday 22 May 1869
Saturday 27 September 1969
FEAST - The athletic sports in connection with this Feast came off Monday last, and, combined with the Cottagers’ Flower and Root Show, was the means of attracting an immense concourse of visitors to this noted Feast The weather was favourable, and the whole affair passed off in a very satisfactory manner, not a single instance of misconduct or drunkenness being brought to the notice of the Committee, fact which reflects great credit on them for the manner in which they discharged their duties. The Headington brass band was engaged, and contributed in small degree to the success of the day. The sports, consisting of sack, hurdle, and flat races, steeplechasing, jumping, throwing cricket ball, &c., commenced at two o’clock and continued till dusk, the last being one mile race for a new bridle, cobs under 14 hands, and was won by R. Boswell's Lightning, beating two others. The ladies’ prize was won by J. Shepherd ; the steeplechase, over some stiff fences, was won by James Townsend. The Cottagers’ Show, considering it was a first attempt, was very good, the flowers, vegetables. &c., being much better than was expected. Mr. W. J. Fruin and Mr. Bamforth were judges for the Cottagers' Show, and Mr. A. Clinkard for the athletic sports. Mr. J. Gale kindly granted the use of his spacious barn for the evening meeting, which was very numerously attended, when the prizes were distributed the chairman, the Rev. H. J. Graham, who was ablv supported by the élite of the village and neighbourhood. The usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given and responded to. Some capital speeches were given by the Chairman and others ; and, after the band had played the National Anthem, the company separated well satisfied with their day's enjoyment ; great credit Is due all those gentlemen who as stewards, judges, donors of prizes, visitors, &c., did their best to make this a day of rational and thorough enjoyment.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Saturday 2 October 1869