1900 1909
A timeline of news, stories and pictures from 1900 1909.
If you have stories, memories or pictures of the band we'd love to hear from you.
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Cricket victory over Wesleyans!
Saturday 21 April 1900
NEW HEADINGTON WESLEYANS v. Headington Brass Band, - Played at Headington on Easter Monday, - The Wesleyans opened the season with a beating from the band after a pleasant and interesting games by six wickets. The result was brought about chiefly by the good bowling of the Brothers G. and J. Douglas, and the batting of J. Douglas and Nutt and Louch. For the losers, H. Field bowled and batted in good style. Each side played one man short.
OXFORD JOURNAL - 21 April 1900Headington Workhouse Performance
Saturday 18 August 1900
Entertainment to the workhouse inmates-on Thursday the members of the Headington Brass Band gave an afternoon's entertainment to the inmates of the Headington workhouse, which was very much enjoyed by all present. Fortunately the weather was all that could be desired. In a few well chosen words, Mr Aldern thanked the band for their kindness and their thoughtfulness in providing such an entertainment for the old people, and said he hoped they would soon make another visit. An excellent program was done through in a manner which reflected credit on the band.
OXFORD TIMES - 18 August 1900
Wheatley Flower Show
Thursday 6 September 1900
At the twelfth annual flower show, held in the Vicarage grounds in Wheatley "The Headington Temperance Brass Band played during the afternoon and for dancing in the evening."
OXFORD TIMES - 8 September 1900
Thursday 18 July 1901
This annual fete will take place on Thursday, July 18th, in a field lent by Messrs Dew and Son. The programme is as follows: 12.30, members meet the Headington Temperance Band...
Bicester Herald - Friday 5 July 1901
Wheatley Flower Show and Industrial Exhibition
Thursday 5 September 1901
The Headington Temperance Band were in attendance for the thirteenth annual competition held in the vicarage grounds.
OXFORD TIMES - 7 September 1901
Horspath Wesleyan Sunday School
Thursday 9 January 1902
At a tea for scholars at the Wesleyan Sunday School, in the Chapel at Horspath "Musical selections were well rendered by members of the Headington Temperance Band.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 17 January 1902 and OXFORD TIMES - 18 January 1902
Funeral of a band member
Sunday 16 February 1902
HEADINGTON. "SONS OF TEMPERANCE".— The funeral of Bro. Jos Douglas, a member of the Headington division of the Sons of Temperance benefit society, took place on Sunday last in Headington cemetery. The coffin was borne to the grave by Bros. H. J. Weston, W. Weston. H. Pratley and J. Hathaway, representing the New Headington Wesleyan brass band (of which deceased was a member)...
Oxford Times - Saturday 22 February 1902
Wesleyan Anniversary at Horspath
Monday 19 May 1902
On Whit-Monday the anniversary of the Sunday-school was held at two o’clock. The Headington brass band paraded the village, and a cricket match was played on the Recreation ground between the Band and the Horspath C.C., which resulted in easy victory for the home team, chiefly through the admirable batting of W. and H. Kimber, and the bowling of B. Surman and H. Kimber. G. Douglas bowled well for the losers, taking seven wickets at small cost. After the match a tea was provided in the chapel. when between 60 and 70 sat down to a good spread. At seven o’clock the band again paraded the village, and at 7.30 a large public meeting and entertainment was held, the chapel being nearly full. Mr. Richlngs gave good report of the Sunday-school work, which is in a very flourishing condition. Several pieces were contributed by the choir from Headington. Mr. Vallis and Mr. Richings gave short addresses, the band played a selection of music, and altogether a capital programme was gone through. The following were the scores of the cricket match - Headington Brass Band.- G. Douglas, b Surman, 9; b H. Kimer, 2. W Bronsill. b Surman 3; b H Kimber, 6 J. Hathaway b Barman. 0: st T. b H Kimber 0: W Morris, b Surman. 0; st T. b H. Kimber. 1. J Weston, b H Kimber. 5: b Surman, 1. R Gardner, c and b Kimber. 0; not out, 1. W Weston, not out. 5: b Kimber, 2. A Cox. b Surman, 0: c H Kimber. b Surman, 2. J Douglas, Surman, 0; b H Kimber, 0. 0. Vyles, b H Kimber, 1; b H Kimber, 3; W Somerton, b H Kimber, 0; c Crook, b Surman, 0 Extras, 1-5. Totals 24-23. HORSPATH - G. Clarke, run out. 15: H Surman, b G. Douglas, 4; W Crook, b G. Douglas, 4: W Kimber c and b G Douglas, 25; B Surman, b Bronsil, 1; W Harris, b Bronsill, 0: G. Woodley, b G. Douglas, 2; H Kimber. not out, 25; T Kimber, c and b G. Douglas, 0; H Hedges, b G. Douglas, 7; W Surman, b G. Douglas, 3. Extras 6. Total, 92.
Oxford Times - Saturday 24 May 1902 also Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 23 May 1902
William Street School Treat
Thursday 3 July 1902
It was reported that the Headington United Temperance Band led the children in procession to the railway station for this event, held at Blenheim. A treat for members of the William Street Wesleyan Chapel Sunday School.
OXFORD TIMES - 5 July 1902
Monday 4 August 1902
The annual fete in connection with the Oxfordshire Band of Hope and Temperance Union was hold in Blenheim Park Monday, by kind permission of His Grace the Duke of Marlborough, K.G. At 9.45 the proceedings opened with a procession from tha Martyrs' Memorial at Oxford to the railway station, headed by the Langford and Filkins Temperance brass band and Oxford City Temperance drum and fife band. They proceeded to Woodstock by special train at 10.30. A second procession was formed tha foot of Headington Hill and headed by the Headington Temperance brass band, marched to the station and went on special train at 11.25...
OXFORD TIMES - 9 August 1902, OXFORDSHIRE WEEKLY NEWS - Wednesday 6 August 1902
Cycle Parade
Monday 25 August 1902
OXFORD : CYCLE PARADE. - On Monday evening a parade of decorated and illuminated bicycles was held in aid of the Oxford Benefit, Friendly and Trade Societies' Hospital Fund, the place of assembly bing St. Giles'. There was, however, a paucity of entries, but a large number of cyclists attended, and a procession, headed by the Headington Temperance Brass Band, marched through the city, proceeding by way of St. John's-road, Walton-street, Hythe Bridge-street, St. Ebbe's, St. Aldates's, St. Clement's, Cowley-road, High-street, back to St. Giles'. Prizes to the riders of the decorated cycles were presented in the Corn Exchange by Councillor Zacharias. Collectors with boxes gathered contributions from the public.
READING MERCURY - 30 August 1902 also Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 22 August 1902
Friday 5 September 1902
...Permission was asked by the Clement's Wesley Guild to give an entertainment to the inmates. Upon this Mr. Grubb remarked that he had Intended asking the Board to allow him to give a series of entertainments to the inmates in the winter months—Ald. Cooper, who said he had attended several concerts organised by Mr. Grubb, remarked that they were much indebted to him for his offer.—The Board accepted the Guild's offer, and it was left to Mr. Grubb to arrange the date. The Headington Brass Band also offered to come and play in the Workhouse grounds on some Thursday evening, and this was similarly dealt with
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 5 September 1902
Sunday 31 May 1903
Wesleyan Chapel Anniversary
The Sunday School anniversary services took place on Sunday on thee village green, when stirring addresses were given by Messrs. T. Vallis. G. Roff, F. Buckenham, and T. Harwood. The musical portion of the services was conducted by Mr. K. Duglas [sic], assisted by the Ueadingtoa Brass Band.—On Monday a cricket match was played by the members of the Headington Brass Band and the young men of the village, on the recreation ground. The villagers proved their superiority with both bat and ball. In the evening public tea was held, to which over one hundred sat down. The chapel had a pleasing appearance, the tables being tastefully decorated with flowers. After tea the band paraded the village. The public meeting was well attended. Addresses were given, sacred songs and solos were sung, and recitations given by friends from Headington and the members of the band, the programme being arranged by Mr. Duglas. The report, given Mr. Richings, was encouraging financially and otherwise.
OXFORD TIMES - 6 June 1903
Oxford Trades Societies Cycle Parade
Thursday 20 August 1903
... At the conclusion of the judging the competitors formed into procession and were joined by about fifteen members of the Fire Brigade, who volunteered their services. Preceded by the Headington Temperance Band in a brake, surrounded by a large concourse of interested sightseers, the procession started from St. Giles' just after seven o'clock...
OXFORD TIMES - 22 August 1903
Thursday 10 March 1904
HEADINGTON A concert was given on Thursday evening in the Wesleyan schoolroom, New Headington, by the Headington Temperance Brass Band, The schoolroom was well-filled, and a capital programme was rendered. Oroceeds were devoted to the New Uniform Fund.
Oxford Times - Saturday 12 March 1904
Band of Hope Fete
Thursday 14 July 1904
Band of Hope Fete
The temperance cause is far from being dead at Fritwell, if the fete held by the Band of Hope on Thursday is any criterion. Lovely weather prevailed, and all spent a glorious time. ...The fete was held in a field, which was kindly lent by Mrs. F. Dew. where the amusements were as numerous ever. The Headington Temperance Brass Band (conductor. Mr. J. Douglas) was engaged, and gave special selections during the afternoon. ...Later in the evening there was dancing.
Sunday 31 July 1904
Blenheim Park has not had such a large influx of visitors for a considerable time, as was the case on Monday last, the occasion of the annual fete organised by the Oxfordshire Band of Hope and Temperance Union. ... Soon after the conclusion of the above, a procession was formed, consisting of choir members, bands of hope, temperance societies. Lodges, and Orders with banners headed by the Headington Temperance brass band under the conductorship of Mr. G. Douglas.
Oxford Times - Saturday 6 August 1904
August 1904
Oxford Post office Band has had a very busy month. On lifeboat Saturday they were well to the fromt with their services and helped to get that £100 that was collected. The following bands took part viz., Oxford Hungarian Band, St Clement's Foresters and Holy Trinity combined, Kingston Lisle B.B., Headington Temperance B.B. and Oxford Post office Bands and tbe playing was quite a treat. Well done all.
Hospital Sunday at Oxford the following bands gave their services viz., Bletchley Station (M.A. Boughton), Headington T. Brass Band (G. Douglas), Salvation Army No. 1, Thame Brass Baud (H. Sutton), Oakley Brass Band (G Emery) and all played very well and gave great pleasure to a vast number of people who lined the route from Carfax. Well done gentlemen all for the day was terribly hot and sultry and I admire your pluck for sticking at it so well, about £40 was collected by your efforts. Bravo
Sunday 4 September 1904
The Havelock Lodge of Oddfellows held their annual parade in aid of the local charities on Sunday. The members assembled at their headquarters, the Britannia Inn, and headed by the Headington Temperance Brass Band, St. Clement’s Drum and Fife, and the lodge's banner, proceeded to the parish church, where a shortened service of evensong was gone through. The Vicar preached from the 20th chapter of St. Matthew, 40th verse. Suitable hymns were sung. The offertory amounted to 12s. Id. After the service the bands paraded the parish with collecting boxes..
Oxford Times - Saturday 10 September 1904
Thursday 6 October 1904
TEMPERANCE BRASS BAND - The members held their annual meeting in their band room Thursday week. The secretary gave a report of the doings of the past year, also of the finances, which showed a balance in hand of 9s. 7d. The officers elected for the ensuing year were bandmaster, Mr. James Douglas; treasurer, Mr. A. Harris; and Mr. George Brown was unanimously re-elected secretary. The band is looking forward another successful year.
OXFORD TIMES - 15 October 1904
July 1905
Headington Temperance were over at Horspath for the Weslyan Chapel Sunday School anniversay on Monday. Paraded this charming and secluded village, playing some very fine marches; also for the tea fight and after for the cricket match. The people are asking for another visit, Mr. Douglas, for you pleased them very much.
Camp Meeting
Sunday 20 August 1905
The Headington Temperance Band play at the annual camp meeting organised by the Abingdon Primitive Methodist Church, in a meadow in Park Road
Headington Temperance at the annual camp meeting of the Abingdon Primitive Methodists and had a very successful time.
March 1907
Headington Temperance held their annual general meeting on Wednesday last at Cowley. After some discussion it was resolved to alter the name of the band, and it will now be known as the Headington and Cowley Temperance Band. Mr. G. Douglas was re-elected bandmaster, Mr. A. Douglas secretary, and Mr. West treasurer, and the band are looking forward to a very busy season's work.
Monty Bowen Joins the Band
About 1908 Montague (Monty) William Bowen from the Oxford Salvation Army Band joins the band. He becomes bandmaster in 1912.
"The Bandmaster when I joined the Band 1918 was Mr Monty Bowen who had two sons in the Band. He also played solo cornet which appeared to be the general practice in those days, even in top class Bands."
James Alder Memoir (1983)
Monday 3 August 1908
The Headington Brass Band was in attendance, and in the evening played dance music.
Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette - Friday 7 August 1908
Sunday 6 September 1908
The annual Hospital Sunday parade took place on Sunday last. The procession started from the Britannia Inn at 2.30 pm and headed by the Headington Wesleyan brass band and the Headington drum and fife band, who looked very smart in their new uniform, proceeded to the parish church for service...
Oxford Journal - Saturday 12 September 1908
Hospital Sunday Service at the Cathedral
Sunday 20 September 1908
Headington are one of many bands to participate, visiting different parts of the city and processing to the cathedral.
Oxford Times, 26 September 1908
Sunday 15 August 1909
Owing to the wet weather on Hospital Sunday, a fortnight ago, August 1st, which prevented the usual parade, Eynsham had another Hospital Sunday on August 15th. The Marsden Drum and Fife, and The New Headington Temperance Brass Band, were present, arriving at Eynsham about three o'clock in the afternoon. A house-to-house collection was made, during which the bands alternately gave selections, and between £3 to £4 was taken.
Witney Gazette and West Oxfordshire Advertiser - Saturday 21 August 1909