

A timeline of news, stories and pictures from 1870.

If you have stories, memories or pictures of the band we'd love to hear from you.

All 1840 1850 1860 1870 1879 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020



Oxford City Court

Tuesday 11 January 1870

James Martin, Frederick Martin, jun., George Hill, Wm. Arnett, and George Terry, were charged with being drunk and riotous in the Corn Market on the 11th inst. They pleaded guilty. Inspector Soames stated that at one in the morning the defendants were playing several instruments; they were returning from the Rifle Corps dinner, where they had been musicians; they were not playing in unison; they said they had Captain Fane's permission to play, and play they should for all anyone. The Mayor remarked on the annoyance of people being disturbed in the middle of the night by the playing of discordant notes, but said the Magistrates were disposed to deal leniently with the defendants, and would dismiss them on their paying the costs, 6s. each.


Note Was this the same George Terry who was later conductor of the Headington Brass Band? We're not sure but it's a good story!